I used to drive a convertible around L.A. a lot.

I drive a Mustang. A 2005 five-speed GT convertible.

I drive a BMW 1 series convertible. I love my Beamer.

Are right and wrong convertible terms, dependant upon popular opinion?

I have a Prius, but I'd love to have a white convertible like Richard Gere's in 'American Gigolo.'

We use convertible notes a lot at our fund - 8VC - so often that we just call them 'notes' to save time.

The first car I ever owned was an Italian sports car, a convertible, and I've kind of owned everything under the sun since then.

The hybrid I have now is one of the least expensive cars I've ever had. I had a BMW 318i convertible once, the ultimate driving machine.

There are a number of mechanical devices which increase sexual arousal, particularly in women. Chief among these is the Mercedes-Benz 380SL convertible.

I have one car that works; it's fast and safe: an Audi 5. And I have two old cars that never work: an old Peugeot convertible, and an Alfa Romeo Giulia.

I still pinch myself that I have a second-hand Aston Martin DBS Volante, the convertible model of James Bond's car from 'Quantum of Solace' and 'Casino Royale.'

I love to drive. My present to myself from 'The Tudors' was a red Mazda MX5 hard-top convertible. I loved that car, and also what she represented - my first success.

The convertible note is a useful and common financing structure in Silicon Valley. It's a form of debt that is really more a type of equity - one where the valuation hasn't been determined yet.

It's an unwritten rule that when you move to California and you're an English person, you have to drive a convertible, and you have to bank with Wells Fargo because they have a stage coach on their bank card.

'The Last Five Years,' we sang almost everything live. When we're in a convertible on the West Side Highway, there was no point - it's not going to be usable sound. But any time we were indoors, we were singing live.

In many cases, the Treasury will get preferred or convertible preferred stock for the money it gives to banks. These shares typically don't have voting rights, possibly to give more of a hands-off appearance to the government.

As a consequence, progress has come to mean simply more power, more profit, more productivity, more paper prosperity, all of which are convertible into standards concerned only with size or magnitude rather than quality or excellence.

It's a big deal when you have got to fire the deputy director of the FBI because he lies four times, twice under oath. It's also a big deal when you have got to reassign people off the Mueller probe, when you have got cash at the Democratic National Committee that is convertible into a warrant to spy on American citizens.

If the Chinese economy can be opened so that currencies are convertible, Chinese tourists can take money and go see the world. Chinese businessmen can go and buy property in the U.S. and France and every place. All of a sudden, it's just going to be a blossoming global economy. I think it's going to be good for everybody.

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