Advertising is the art of convincing people to spend money they don't ...

Advertising is the art of convincing people to spend money they don't have for something they don't need.

I hope I'm always convincing when I act!

I can sell anything. I'm very convincing.

Conduct is more convincing than language.

Gravity is more suggestive than convincing.

Convincing yourself doesn't win an argument.

Logic is the art of convincing us some truth.

Haymitch said you'd take a lot of convincing.

I've seen more convincing wigs on William Shatner.

Success is the most convincing talker in the world.

Several excuses are always less convincing than one.

Half of figure skating is opinion, convincing judges.

Words are easy. It's convincing the heart that's hard.

Jesus was himself the one convincing and permanent miracle.

Selling is never about convincing. It is always about helping.

If you would convince others, seem open to conviction yourself.

History is not a catalogue but...a convincing version of events.

I don't see many convincing heavies in movies. They don't scare me.

I used to dream of true love; now I'm open to false, but convincing.

What is acting but lying and what is good lying but convincing lying?

I became a genius on 'Ed,' though I'm not sure it was very convincing.

Ultimately the most challenging thing, always, is to just be convincing

I've come to terms with the fact that I'm not convincing as an American.

At a time like this, scorching irony, not convincing argument, is needed.

The Christianity which is shared is the Christianity which is convincing.

Arguments are to be avoided: they are always vulgar and often convincing.

Jon M. Chu is one of the most creative, convincing humans you'll ever meet.

I had a hell of a time convincing people I was gay - which was so annoying!

I don't know how convincing I'd be as a soul cat. I'm a scrawny British kid.

To be truly radical is to make hope possible rather than despair convincing.

The sad truth is that most of my husbands turned out to be convincing liars.

Normally, you spend the play convincing people of the world and the characters.

By 2029, computers will have emotional intelligence and be convincing as people.

What convinces is not necessarily true-it is merely convincing: a note for asses.

...nothing in the world is harder than convincing someone of an unfamiliar truth.

The toughest thing about raising kids is convincing them that you have seniority.

I never failed to convince an audience that the best thing they could do was to go away.

I like to play characters that are convincing, that aren't just straightforward and nice.

It would be difficult to write a convincing ghost story set on a sunny day in a big city.

It doesn't take much convincing to make someone believe they're better than everyone else.

Foremost is the casting; you need convincing faces. Most of our films suffer from casting.

I always find that I have to be emotionally on my character's side for it to be convincing.

It is easier to produce a film on your own than convincing another person to come on board.

When your principal artists deliver convincing performances, the film's quality is elevated.

It is really hard to make it convincing enough that you forget you are playing a video game.

Once I looked into a mirror at my face I felt like it was completely convincing. I was Salieri.

Treat a boy like a fool and he'll act like a fool, I say, but there's some folks need convincing.

For me, a script has to be convincing, bold, and experimental. It needs to overpower all my senses.

In Mahesh Manjrekar's films, women find their way into a realistic story in the most convincing way.

Everybody knows Sai Baba. Being an actor, I had to be extremely convincing while portraying the role.

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