People lose sight that the counties run the elections.

The justice systems in San Diego, Alameda, and Sacramento counties are horrible.

It's been really nice to see different counties that I might never have visited before.

We have 62 counties in New York State and each has its own system of death investigation.

The West Indians and Pakistanis play one-day cricket so well because they play for English counties.

More than half of America's rural counties are losing population and with it, political representation.

There are going to be counties across this country that won't have any insurance company providing coverage.

I don't fight the suburban areas or collar counties. I get along with them; they're former Chicagoans anyway.

Judicial Watch has a massive project to force states and counties across the nation to clean up their voter rolls.

And sometimes people don't realize that 90 percent of the persistent poverty counties are located in rural America.

There are no kinder, more generous, more welcoming, more hospitable people in America than in the 92 counties of Indiana.

Serving 27 million Texans spread across 254 counties and two time zones isn't a job for those who require a lot of sleep.

The imperial province should have a university, the prefectures should have colleges, and the counties should have day schools.

In states where there's one really big city, a lot of outlying counties and smaller towns really don't have very many resources.

I grew up in Yorkshire, which is like the Texas of Britain. It's a proud free state and not always liked by the other counties in Britain.

I spent my youth playing music, and I worked a lot in New Jersey and New York clubs. At 18, I worked all around Hudson, Essex, and Bergen counties.

All around the United States of America - in the cities and the counties - our public education is suffering and has been suffering. Cuts, cuts, cuts.

I represent a district covering Rockland, Westchester and Bronx counties, all of which are part of the 9 million people that this water is so important for.

I believe Kentucky has a big, bright future, with more good-paying jobs and opportunities for families to get ahead in every single one of our 120 counties.

I, as a cricketer, would like to see 100 counties playing top-flight cricket, just like tennis and football. If I am alive to see that, I will be very happy.

I had friends from Somalia and Eritrea and all these different counties, and I was getting to learn about people that I would have never known anything about.

Western Europe GDP per capita - not taking into account the new accession counties - was lower in 2001 relative to that of the US than any time since the 1960's.

Different parts of Ireland have different alliances, because you have little pockets where counties are good at hurling, and different counties are good at football.

As I am actually partly Cornish, I am frequently tempted to start some sort of Cornish liberation front in the Home Counties, where our language rights are badly neglected.

On many accounts, Cornwall may be regarded as one of the most interesting counties of England, whether we regard it for its coast scenery, its products, or its antiquities.

A map of Trump country would look a lot like a map of the various regions and counties from which young people with the best opportunities have consistently chosen to flee.

It was in the best interests of Zavala and other counties that we move forward with a farm bill and provide certainty to ranchers, farmers, food banks, and other providers.

Democrats in 2020 can't just drive by red counties. You have to stop, get out of your car, ask for people's votes, and engage with them on issues that relate to their lives.

We have had a chance to travel to all 56 counties in this state, and I have had the chance to sit around with cups of coffee and having conversations about what matters to Montanans.

Taxation is probably one of the biggest problems this state is facing, especially in Cook County. I think Cook County is one of the counties a lot of people don't want to live in anymore.

I hope it will be set in California. In a way, I made a mistake, because a New Jersey policeman can't operate that way in New York. But in California, he can move between different counties.

We are looking to get counties to play their young England players earlier, and the first reports from the counties are that it is working well. It also helps us to prepare in a better fashion.

In some of the middle colonies the towns and counties were both active and had a relation with each other which was the forerunner of the present system of local government in the Western States.

I had the chance to visit all 56 counties in Montana in my pickup. You can put Washington, D.C., in one corner of our state and put Chicago in the other corner, and that's the size of my congressional district.

While Texas women have the right to safe, legal abortion, in reality there are already very few facilities in Texas to provide this essential care. In 2008, 92 percent of Texas counties had no abortion provider.

As a society, we devalued farming as an occupation and encouraged the best students to leave the farm for 'better' jobs in the city. We emptied America's rural counties in order to supply workers to urban factories.

There is a large body of abolitionists in Clinton and Clark Counties in this state, and in Wayne County Indiana, that would undoubtedly support such a store, but whether their support would be sufficient, I am unable to say.

USDA Rural Development is responsible for helping rural counties and small communities provide public services and foster economic growth. Often these investments help fill gaps that are hard to overcome with a rural tax base.

You have six of the ten wealthiest counties in America surround Washington, D.C., and the poor and middle class are getting squeezed while people at the top and people with influence in government seem always to be doing better.

Until the people, by amendment, change the constitution, I urge that the counties cooperate with one another, that future road work be more uniform, and done in such a way that it will result in connected and continuous highways.

I will travel to all 75 counties in Arkansas every year, listen to your stories and concerns, and work hard every single day on the issues affecting you and your family instead of visiting exotic foreign countries on the taxpayer dime.

Many counties in Maryland are above the average unemployment rate for both Maryland and the United States. We need representation in Congress who will make creating jobs the No. 1 priority so the people of Maryland can get back to work.

The most I have to fear while hiking in Warwickshire and Worcestershire, the two historic British counties closest to my city home in Birmingham, is whether or not the mud awaiting me in the narrow lanes ahead is deep enough to foul my socks.

I was at Facebook in 2012, during the previous presidential race. The fact that Facebook could easily throw the election by selectively showing a Get Out the Vote reminder in certain counties of a swing state, for example, was a running joke.

To process and close models in 50 states and 2,000-plus counties with the myriad of, just, tens of thousands of different regulations, customs, vendors - it's a monster. So the only way to do that is with technology. It really is rocket science.

Spring has many American faces. There are cities where it will come and go in a day and counties where it hangs around and never quite gets there. Summer is drawn blinds in Louisiana, long winds in Wyoming, shade of elms and maples in New England.

We are not, in some fundamental ways, a single country. The map of that vast red swatch of states and rural counties that voted for Trump, and the blue coastal edges and scattered urban centers where Clinton won, are a pictograph of mutual contempt.

I live in Loudoun County, and the counties surrounding Washington, D.C., have the highest per-capita income in the country. Not because they create wealth, but because they suck wealth from the rest of the country, and that system needs to be shaken up.

The Bible that I will take my oath on reminds me of the 100th anniversary of the end of the war to end all wars. It was a Bible taken into battle by my wife's grandfather who had probably never ventured beyond three or four counties in North and South Carolina.

With the establishment of a presence in all three counties of Delaware, recruitment in and outside Delaware and throughout the world and new master's and doctoral programs, Delaware State University will continue to grow and attract even more qualified students.

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