There are issues in this country that a lot of people feel strongly about.

I feel very strongly about my country and stronger still about people who abuse my country.

A country can truly call itself sporting when the majority of its people feel a personal need for sport.

I feel like young people, more than anyone in the country, always have their moral compass on perfectly straight.

Why do we let blind people and people in wheelchairs become citizens? I feel sorry for cripples, but that doesn't mean I want them in my country.

In the States, entrepreneurs inspire a lot of people and are respected for creating jobs. That makes people dream and feel happy for their country.

I can get on with all different sorts of people, and I never feel homesick, particularly, or I've never felt kind of patriotic towards any one country.

What Trump has done is tap into a deep-seated anxiety about where the country is headed. There is an anxiety that is real and sincere. Many people feel helpless.

If I feel strongly about something, I don't bother what will people say, especially when it is about the country and the Army. But my cricketer friends are all politically correct when they tweet.

I feel warm toward my Irish side, but I don't know the country or the people. Hearing a traditional Irish fiddle, I feel very connected to Ireland, but that's a nostalgia many people feel who aren't Irish at all.

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