Know what you do not know.

You don't know what you don't know.

Right now my favorite book is 'Omnivores Dilemma.

Right now my favorite book is 'Omnivores Dilemma.'

The international manager reconciles cultural dilemmas

I hate violence, yes I do. It's kind of a dilemma, huh?.

Somewhere in the world there is an epigram for every dilemma.

Every life is a dilemma that must be solved by the person living it.

That is our dilemma in Poland. We don't like to be ruled by the East.

When facing a dilemma, choose the more morally demanding alternative.

The dilemma is that if one does not risk anything one risks even more.

The central dilemma in journalism is that you don't know what you don't know.

'8 Miles to Pancake Day' is a reconciliation of the classic space-time dilemma.

The dilemma for early 21st century journalism is this: Who will pay for the news?

Dissent is difficult. It can constitute a real dilemma for the person who disagrees.

I'm an orphan!" Constance cried gleefully. "I'm an orphan!" ~ The Prisoner's Dilemma

It's the broadcaster's dilemma. Are we true journalists? I don't know if I am or not.

The human dilemma is this: God is Holy and we are not. God is Righteous and we are not.

The reason most of us go to the movies is to be involved in someone else's moral dilemma.

For me the moral dilemma this past year has been how to make peace with the unacceptable.

The dilemma felt by science fiction writers will be perceived in other creative endeavors.

I don't have some sort of moral dilemma with coming as a guest to an event or a fashion show.

I like movies that project a dilemma of modern men and women who are overwhelmed by the system.

As a professional, I get in a dilemma between sport and entertainment. There's these two sides.

The idea that if governments open up and become more democratic they will fall is a false dilemma.

The essential dilemma of my life is between my deep desire to belong and my suspicion of belonging.

The dilemma for society is how to preserve personal and family values in a nation of diverse tastes.

Most good essays are conversations with yourself - not just your decided thoughts but your dilemmas.

We want every human being in the womb to be safe, not have these babies be killed to solve some dilemma.

It's a genuine dilemma for governments, deciding how much information to share in this threat-filled era.

The hazards of the generalized prisoner's dilemma are removed by the match between the right and the good.

An actor feels the dilemma of being a human being and through his art tries to explain the condition of man.

We need a pharmacological intervention on anti-social behavior or we are not going to get hold of our dilemma.

Artist refers to a person, willfully enmeshed in a dilemma of categories, who performs as if none of them existed.

The truth posed a great dilemma for a man who always had to be right, and yet, for all his grandeur, was often wrong.

It's a dilemma for every modern parent - how to keep children safe on social media without monitoring their every post.

One wouldn't want to have the same dilemmas at 50 as one had at 15. And indeed I don't. I have a very different take on life.

In such a case the writer is apt to have recourse to epigrams. Somewhere in this world there is an epigram for every dilemma.

The human dilemma is that which arises out of a man's capacity to experience himself as both subject and object at the same time.

I have to be careful with surfing. It's still an addiction to me. It's all I want to do, and that's the big dilemma I have with it.

As a son and as a father, there are still various things that I haven't done as well as I should have - that's my dilemma and regret.

Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better.

In Los Angeles, the gang capital of the world, we have 1,100 gangs and 120,000 gang members so it is a daunting, complex social dilemma.

I can understand the dilemma of growing up in a bubble, and then not knowing what to do when unemployment beckons and reality bursts in.

Yet one new trend I do like coming from mainstream publishers right now is memoirs tied to research that explores the narrator's dilemma.

Our only goal is to strengthen the opposition and to avoid the dilemma whereby we only have the choice between Bashar Assad and al-Qaeda.

I met a Swedish single mum called Annalise who is living in the wilderness. Her dilemma is finding enough wood to make a fire to keep warm.

Sustainability can't be like some sort of a moral sacrifice or political dilemma or a philanthropical cause. It has to be a design challenge.

My films have often looked at the whole dilemma of identity as a straitjacket for people, for societies, for cultures, for historical moments.

There are two dilemmas that rattle the human skull: How do you hang on to someone who won't stay? And how do you get rid of someone who won't go?

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