The only disability in life is a bad attitude.

The only disability in life is a bad attitude.

Limitations only go so far.

Disability can be no handicap.

Your disability is your opportunity.

Forget what you know about disability.

Not disabilities at all - more Abilities.

Disability is the inability to see ability.

I choose not to place "DIS," in my ability.

A troubled life beats having no life at all

Know me for my abilities, not my disability.

The only true disability is a crushed spirit

Being unconscious is the ultimate disability.

Some days you see lots of people on crutches.

Disability need not be an obstacle to success.

Every person with a disability is an individual.

Disability is an art - an ingenious way to live.

You don't have to have a disability to be different.

For a minute, I thought I had a learning disability.

The only disability in life is having a bad attitude

I dont believe in disabilities, I believe in ability.

Autism is not a disability, it's a different ability.

And I really believe that. Asthma is NOT a disability!

Its not our disabilities, its our abilities that count.

I don't have a dis-ability, I have a different-ability.

My disability has opened my eyes to see my true abilities.

Fear is a bigger disability than having no arms and no legs.

The Social Security disability fund is going belly up in 2016.

I'm just a man on a mission, to prove my disability hasn't won

Entrepreneurs with disabilities are overwhelmingly successful.

Don’t call us people with disabilities… we have DIFFabilities!

The world worries about disability more than disabled people do.

Society imposes low expectations of those who have disabilities”

Life is not as easy as it could be for a person with a disability.

When everyone else says you can't, determination says,'YES YOU CAN.'

Having a disability changes your whole life, not just your attitude.

I have a strong sense that I have to educate people about disability.

Autism is the fastest growing developmental disability in our nation.

For me, the wheelchair symbolizes disability in a way a cane does not.

Chastity is not chastity in an old man, but a disability to be unchaste.

Disability should not be considered a hindrance to achieving one's goals.

I stand not just for a disability, but I stand for women and women's rights.

I'm not an advocate for disability issues. Human issues are what interest me.

I've fought physical disability and was cured because of naturopathy and yoga.

Once your IQ is 150 or over, it stops beings ability and becomes a disability.

I had learning disabilities, and I couldn't express myself in the written word.

I can't change it, That was God's plan for my life and I'm going to go with it.

Attacking People With Disabilities is the Lowest Display of Power I Can Think Of

I don't like to use 'I can't'. I don't look at my disability as a negative thing.

I never met a bitter person who was thankful. Or a thankful person who was bitter.

Disability, in general, hasn't been included in the conversation about inclusivity.

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