Writing a poem is discovering.

I love discovering tiny streets.

You can never stop discovering music.

I've always liked discovering things.

I am always learning, always discovering.

I am discovering myself as a director all the time.

Each day we go to our work in the hope of discovering.

All is vanity, and discovering it - the greatest vanity.

I take pleasure in discovering resourcefulness inside me.

Bring a vampire around, people start discovering religion.

Keep your central character moving, discovering, learning.

Just for daily wear, I love discovering new jeans companies.

Discovering I'm gay just sort of happened much later in life.

When a man is extremely lonely, he starts discovering himself.

The art of writing is the art of discovering what you believe.

I want them to come away with discovering the music inside them.

Discovering a new explanation is inherently an act of creativity.

Discovering witnesses is just as important as catching criminals.

I like my mind being stimulated. I like discovering new concepts.

A truly beautiful person is one who is good at discovering beauty.

In meditation we are continuously discovering who and what we are.

Part of maturing as a designer is discovering what you're good at.

Forgiveness is discovering that what you thought happened, didn’t.

I'm delighted there's a younger audience discovering James Herriot.

Let me say that discovering Tagore was the turning point of my life.

Unlike men, women got less sentimental as we aged, I was discovering.

We love curating; we love discovering new products and vintage pieces.

The key to success is discovering your innate power and using it daily.

One recognizes one's course by discovering the paths that stray from it.

Now I am discovering the world once more. England has widened my horizon.

I'm always down to switch up my scents and love discovering new products.

Ours is the task of discovering that our true nature has nothing to fear.

I plan on doing a lot more work on my own, and discovering and doing more.

For me, writing is more a process of discovering the book than planning it.

I enjoyed like nothing else working in pure math, discovering new formulas.

The culture of modern Spain is something many people are still discovering.

I always want to stay focused on who I am, even as I'm discovering who I am.

In marriage it is never having my own way. It is rather discovering our way.

You can never be sure whether you are discovering the truth or inventing it.

We could focus our efforts on discovering solutions that work uniquely for us.

The real pleasure in writing this, for me, was discovering how little you need.

'Saathiya' is about love, discovering yourself through the way you love someone.

I have never started a poem yet whose end I knew. Writing a poem is discovering.

Meeting someone who likes what I've made is like discovering a brother or sister.

Younger people are discovering my work, even though my reggae is not like theirs.

The hardest part of being an artist is discovering what it is you do differently.

If you chuck away too many things, you end up discovering there was value in them.

Both therapy and friendship possessed the common denominator of discovering a self.

I don't ever take credit for discovering anybody, except for McLovin on 'Superbad'.

From Japan to Thailand, I keep discovering amazing talent, cuisine and food markets.

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