Men should be disqualified for public office. Women should run the planet. They're better than us.

Throughout my whole swimming career, I've never been disqualified once. I've never been warned once.

In sports, you get disqualified if you violate the rules, but in Ukrainian politics, no standards are at work.

Any American who is prepared to run for president should automatically, by definition, be disqualified from ever doing so.

To say 'I quit' brings a lot of criticism, but to get disqualified and say the ref was unfair and harsh, in denial - fans will jump on that.

We are not disqualified or bad people trying to be good. We are holy, righteous, and redeemed. Sometimes, we spend more time on what we used to be and not who we are now.

I can assure you that I'm not very close to Hillary Clinton. I think she's disqualified herself from Commander-in-Chief by her cavalier attitude towards our nation's secrecy laws.

I've never been interested in the whole fame game; the headlines when I was disqualified in 1995 for hitting a ball girl were more than enough to make me want to keep my head under the radar.

Because homecoming came first, and there was the homecoming court. The five guys on homecoming court were disqualified from being in the prom court. So being prom king was being sixth most popular.

I was prom king. Which is actually saying I was the sixth most popular, because the five who were on homecoming were automatically disqualified from prom, so of course I have to look at it that way.

Washington is politics! Somehow if people have political objectives, then those objectives are automatically disqualified? If that's the case, the Democrats have no business being legitimized about anything because everything they do is political.

Perhaps... I mean there are people who defend that it as an art. I don't. I like it but it's not an art form as far as I'm concerned, and yet it's a similar thing, once you can't land those jumps, you're disqualified - that precludes it from ever becoming a serious art form.

There was supposedly no point showing 'Nightbreed' to critics because the people who see these movies don't read reviews, in brackets, even if they can read at all! Immediately it was disqualified from serious criticism. Therefore, it had to be sold to the lowest common denominator.

Jayalalithaa was disqualified from contesting elections because of the Tansi case. I was the complainant. The public prosecutor conducted the case, but I provided all the documents and evidence. She was convicted. She could not contest elections, as her nomination papers were rejected.

If selling had been part of his job description, Rusbridger, who never met a pound he had to earn that didn't disgust him in some visceral way, would have been disqualified long ago. Indeed, his early enthusiasm for the Internet - and a continuing principle of faith for him - was that it was free.

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