I just want to be dominant.

You attract your dominant thoughts.

It is my dominant intent to be good to me.

Lacking a dominant big man is a tall order.

He could be dominant - if he played in the WNBA.

The gospel is for the defeated, not the dominant.

Death and sex are the dominant reality of our day.

I'm dominant positionally, and my hands got power.

Bayern are so dominant that other teams aim for us.

I want to be strong, dominant. Like Wilt Chamberlain.

I want to be what I've always wanted to be: dominant.

The dominant feeling of the battlefield is loneliness.

To depersonalize man is the dominant drift of our times.

My dominant feeling every day is one of great ignorance.

In the beginning, fear was the dominant motivating force.

Our life always expresses the result of our dominant thoughts.

Hip Hop is thee dominant youth culture in the world right now.

We live in a culture where European beauty standards are dominant.

The mind moves in the direction of our currently dominant thoughts.

Whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower.

I'm not allowing my perspective to be dictated by the dominant culture.

When you have a dominant big man, that changes the aspects of the game.

The systems approach to biology will be the dominant theme in medicine.

Literature is always what the dominant ideology recognizes as literature.

I guess people think the taller you are the more dominant you have to be.

Fame is everywhere; the 15 minutes are now the dominant themes of our times.

I can be one of the dominant players, maybe the dominant player, in the East.

Onstage, we're very dominant and aggressive. But we laugh and play a lot, too.

Everything the Beats stood for was the opposite of the dominant culture today.

Television is now the dominant factor in the lives of too many American children.

There's only room for one dominant female in the McMahon family... and that's me!

In their heyday, comics were a dominant force in popular culture, but that's over.

Animation did not become the dominant form of children's television until the '60s.

Our society, the dominant culture doesn't like science. It doesn't like technology.

We always want to play and be dominant with the ball, but we respect the opposition.

Party action should follow, not precede the creation of a dominant popular sentiment.

Our dominant values that emphasize competition and scarcity limit continued progress.

You will become as small as your controlling desire; as great as you dominant aspiration.

The image of where you are going has to be more dominant than the image of where you are.

I'm left-brain dominant, so anxiety and nervousness don't affect me; most emotions don't.

Health is already a dominant sector in most societies and the one most guaranteed to grow.

English football is in a bad way because the foreign players here are so good, so dominant.

In fifty years of covering the sport, of course Muhammad Ali is by far the dominant figure.

Ronnie O'Sullivan is the only player in history to be dominant and popular at the same time.

In the late '90s, R&B was dominant in the radio, and the white kids were taking it mainstream.

No. No, no, no, no, Blyleven wasn't even the dominant pitcher of his era - it was Jack Morris.

A few years, there are teams that are just dominant over everyone. Those years are few and far.

It's not possible for two countries to be the leading dominant political power at the same time.

The one time I was an actor, it happened to be in a globally dominant juggernaut. That was lucky.

I think a lot of us are increasingly recognizing that the dominant culture is killing the planet.

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