The busier you get, the more you get done.

I'm a Sagittarius. We need things done now.

I will let the work I've done speak for me.

Camping is something I've done all my life.

Have I done what is really important today?

Work done by human beings for human beings.

Some things are better done than described.

Basically all I've done is keep my promise.

The harm done is often difficult to repair.

Wherever work is done, victory is attained.

Healing cannot be done by settling a score.

Do unto others what you want done unto you.

Ive done a dozen or two dozen infomercials.

I haven't done the Star Wars kind of films.

Ive seen it all, done it all, known it all.

If it must be done, it's best done bravely.

Know'st not whate'er we do is done in love?

When the mischief is done the door is shut.

I couldn't have done it without my players.

Nothing of what is nobly done is ever lost.

Never stop fighting till the fight is done.

He that has done nothing has known nothing.

Potential just means you ain't done it yet.

Some of my best thinking is done by others.

Connoisseurs think the art is already done.

It always seems impossible until it's done.

I done told you twice already goddammit no!

Everything I've done I've just fallen into.

I love everything John Carpenters ever done.

I try to do what has never been done before.

Nothing can be done except little by little.

I've seen it all, done it all, known it all.

I have done quite a lot of outsider figures.

I haven't done anything that I'm ashamed of.

I've done some pretty bad things in my life.

Judge of a jest when you have done laughing.

The secret of getting things done is to act!

Flying is done largely with the imagination.

I love trying to beat what I've done so far.

You are, when all is done-just what you are.

The Moor has done his work, the Moor may go.

So it shall be written. So it shall be done.

Is God to blame for what I myself have done?

I feel like I haven't done my best work yet.

I know that what I have done I can do again.

Most of today's music is done electronically.

Whatever you condemn, you have done yourself.

Only that which is well done is quickly done.

Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven.

I've never regretted anything I've ever done.

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