I've been a huge Cartier fan from my very early days.

I was only in one play at Steppenwolf, in the early days.

Particularly in my early days, I did very little rewriting.

Those early days of comedy are when you get addicted to it.

Also I played on a lot of demos in the early days of the Stones.

Or in the early days we didn't have the bus, we had a station wagon.

In my early days, I auditioned a lot. Mostly, I didn't get anywhere.

In a startup, in the early days, it can be hard to explain what you do.

In the early days at Asymetrix, we were focusing on business automation.

In my early days, I sang rock stuff, but the career didn't kick until '67.

It doesn't get much better than playing Elvis during the early days of his career.

Since my early days, I've been used to playing with older boys and strong defenders.

My early days in Broadway were all comedies. I never did a straight play on Broadway.

In my early days, I was eager to learn and to do things, and therefore I learned quickly.

We took the whole thing far too seriously. After all, those were early days in television.

I have so many great memories of the Allman Brothers early days. It was an incredible time.

I lived in Chamarajpet, Gandhi Nagar, Shanthinagar, and Sudhama Nagar during my early days.

Change is often the agent of progress in ways we can't always readily see in the early days.

'The Outlaw Josey Wales' is one I watched again and again and again in the early days of VHS.

There's a whole generation out there who don't know that I was a pop singer in the early days.

I mean, I think in the early days we were pretty... pretty British in our entertainment leads.

From my early days in modelling to every new commitment, is like a first job for me every time.

In the early days of aviation, there was a great deal of experimentation and a high death rate.

Back in the early days of international, everybody wanted to customize the menu for every place.

I loved rap, especially in the early days. But I wasn't trying to shove it down anybody's throats.

In the early days, I was everything to David. I was his creative partner, his lover, his soul mate.

People that love this form of music have loved it from way back - Sabbath, Zeppelin, the early days.

The rock n' roll lifestyle did have its perks, but it wasn't all limos and parties in the early days.

Of course, neither David or myself ever saw a penny from them; it was the early days of merchandising.

In my early days, I used to go to many acting gurus, Asha Chandra and Roshan Taneja being two of them.

I had so much fun in early days learning about networking, security, scalability and other geeky stuff.

I've always been pretty self-sufficient. I never had to borrow money from my mum, even in the early days.

In the early days of jazz, it was ensemble music: everybody playing all together. Nobody really stood out.

I grew up a witness to gay politics in its early days. I remember seeing Harvey Milk and been moved by him.

In the early days of eBay, I articulated for the very first time this belief that people are basically good.

Back in the early days of my political career, I was called Socialist Cindy. I just hate the nickname Cindy.

I just remember the early days of Tenacious D. There was no talk or thought about doing a TV show or a movie.

I started to write about science and medicine at the 'Washington Post,' in the early days of the AIDS epidemic.

In my early days in Hollywood I tried to be economical. I designed my own clothes, much to my mother's distress.

In my early days, I was about 145 pounds. I was really a starving artist; the poster child for starving artists.

Blizzard has definitely evolved around crunch. In our early days, we crunched crazy hours to get the games done.

In the early days, start-ups make the main mistake of hiring people to do the work that they could do themselves.

In the early days of my modelling career, I think the industry was uncomfortable with how strikingly different I was.

If you are pro love, you have to be a little bit disloyal to the romantic feelings that propel you in the early days.

For a lot of fans from the early days, they probably had issues they were A-ha fans, because it probably wasn't 'cool.'

I had to learn some hard lessons in my early days because I was a bit of a showman, a kind of Jekyl and Hyde character.

When I want to feel especially grateful, I think about the early days dressing up as an orange for Fruit Awareness Week.

Like the early days of the Internet, the dawn of personal genomics promises benefits and pitfalls that no one can foresee.

The early days, when Vine was so special and innovative - I would wake up and immediately want to make videos. I loved it.

Back in the early days of WWE, I remember doing 20 interviews every Tuesday, one right after the other on different topics.

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