Money is economic power.

Don't be economic Girlie-Men

I'm for economic independence.

Economic gross is making us fat.

Education equals economic growth.

Barack Obama is an economic patriot.

I had an economic system imposed on me.

The normal economic system works itself.

Politicians exploit economic illiteracy.

For the poor, the economic is spiritual.

Globalization is a fact of economic life

This aged economic system is out of date!

Globalization is a fact of economic life.

Culture changes with economic development.

Equality begins with economic empowerment.

I am not confident that Europe can make it.

Sanctions are not really an economic weapon.

Gambling is a catalyst for economic downturn

There cannot be prosperity without security.

Real freedom must include economic security.

The plans differ; the planners are all alike.

We put a gender lens on our whole value chain.

Freedom is the by-product of economic surplus.

Obama's entire economic program is reparations.

Education is the best economic policy there is.

AI is creating tremendous economic value today.

Australians have defied global economic gravity.

Demagogues always do well in economic downturns.

One cannot have economic growth without security.

For ecommerce, the most important thing is trust.

Economic knowledge necessarily leads to liberalism

Good environmental policy is good economic policy.

It's one of these wonderful economic coincidences.

The economic crisis has weakened the EU for years.

You can't have the family farm without the family.

Real economic stimulus comes from real investment.

Everyone is exposed to economic risks of some kind.

I've been through geopolitical and economic cycles.

Human creativity is the ultimate economic resource.

Economic recovery begins with our small businesses.

Abortion happens because of economic circumstances.

Economic growth is not only unncessary, but ruinous.

A law can be both economic folly and constitutional.

Not enough is a spiritual state, not an economic one.

Economic theology is the opiate of the middle classes.

Political work is the life-blood of all economic work.

Women must have economic and social equality with men.

Innovation is the central issue in economic prosperity.

Greater economic power will be in the hands of too few.

We've got a wonderful economic formula in this country.

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