The class war is over.

Be a doer and not a critic.

Look, I am very competitive.

Education, education, education

I'm the f***ing Prime Minister!

The British people are the boss.

I am a pretty straight sort of guy.

My teachers used to call me a failure

I think I made the wrong career choice

Enough of talking: It is time now to do.

We have no plans to increase tax at all.

There should not be a party within a party.

Education is the best economic policy there is.

You've got to listen but you've also got to lead.

Politics is about listening and it's about leading.

I can only go one way. I've not got a reverse gear.

Choice dependent on wealth; those are the Tory words.

This mass terrorism is the new evil in our world today

The spread of freedom is the best security for the free.

I can't stand politicians who wear God on their sleeves.

Leaders lead but in the end it's the people who deliver.

Stirring is OK. It just depends what happens in the end.

Immigration was probably the driving thing behind Brexit.

There are unquestionably links between al-Qaida and Iraq.

Fanaticism is not a state of religion but a state of mind.

Immigration is good for a country. It brings fresh energy.

Saddam was a threat, that the threat had to be dealt with.

I believe Mrs. Thatcher's emphasis on enterprise was right.

Their barbarism will stand as their shame for all eternity.

I abhor Saddam's regime, but the basis has to be disarmament.

Our aim is not just an educated nation but an intelligent one

I want to see a publicly-owned railway, publicly accountable.

We are all internationalists now, whether we like it or not...

The world is a better place with Saddam in prison not in power.

What people should understand is that I adore the Labour party.

You only require two things in life: your sanity and your wife.

Society works by putting opportunity and responsibility together.

I'm not asking you to agree with me, but at least open your mind.

I will do what it takes to help Ed Miliband win general election.

I think social media is a revolutionary phenomenon all in itself.

The Iraqi elections struck a blow to the heart of global terrorism.

People know where I stand in the Labour party and what I believe in.

I think it's important for people like me to evaluate and reevaluate.

But as I always say to people I'm essentially a public service person.

Ah yes, liberal democrats unified as ever in opportunism and in error.

Your loss we count as our loss. Your struggle we take as our struggle.

I don't concede it at all that the intelligence at the time was wrong.

I think Hillary Clinton is an outstandingly capable and decent person.

We can only protect liberty by making it relevant to the modern world.

I've never ruled out the possibility of going back into public service.

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