Language does not make one an elite.

Everyone has the impulse to be elite.

Only the elites despise earning money.

An elite confederacy of nerds. My peeps

It's true; I'm fascinated by elite groups.

The elite isn't leading anymore. It's trapped.

Elite is not a bad word, it's an aspirational one.

I think that the elites have lived too long among themselves.

Foreign policy can no longer be the province of just a few elites.

I would never call myself cultural elite, but you might be cultural elite.

There's a lot more blue-collar workers out there than the so-called elites.

The privileged elites are part of the globalization moment that we live in.

It is a fact that around the world the elites of every country are making money.

Media elites, particularly those on the Left, love to hate the pumpkin spice latte.

Deficit, deficit, deficit. The political and media elites are obsessed with the D-word.

When elites see a homeless person in the gutter, they assume he's saving a parking place.

A blueprint for disaster in any society is when the elite are capable of insulating themselves.

Relationships based on deals between leaders or ruling elites tend to collapse amid popular anger.

A party committed to defending the economic interests of rich elites could never win by saying so.

If the elites listened, they would understand why French young people like me are joining our ranks.

The welfare state is not really about the welfare of the masses. It is about the egos of the elites.

Liberal elites and Democratic Party elders want all Hispanics to fall into a monolithic liberal agenda.

The elites have become international, and they've ceased to have a primary loyalty to the nation-state.

I think the failures of Republican governance led to a distrust of Republican elites, which is fair enough.

Elites don't care not one whit about school children. If they truly cared, what they would do is protect them.

The people are rejecting so-called free trade and globalization that the elites presented as a positive thing.

In the end, what brings civilizations down is when the elites lose confidence in the rightness of their cause.

The Trump phenomenon might feel both interminable and unprecedented to Republican elites, but of course it isn't.

There was a backlash against elites, a backlash against those who were telling Americans what is important to them.

The state and its elites must be subject, in theory and in practice, to the same laws that its poorest citizens are.

Mountaintop removal coal operations enrich only a handful of elites while impoverishing everyone else in their proximity.

Canadians must fight back against global elites preying on the fears and desperation of people to impose their power grab.

I volunteered to join Mr. Trump's campaign because he is a champion of working families, not Washington-Wall Street elites.

If the Tea Party gets its way, there will be less government - which is great for the elites. They don't need the government.

The Selection was no longer something that was simply happening to me, but something I was actively a part of. I was an Elite.

One of the things I have been preaching around the world is collecting taxes in an equitable manner, especially from the elites.

Sadly, the system in this country is rigged in favor of wealthy elites who have purchased tremendous influence in our government.

If the Ivy League was the breeding ground for the elites of the American Century, Stanford is the farm system for Silicon Valley.

The Kennedy lifestyle is something that is looked upon favorably by the elites throughout our culture, both political and social.

Dependency arguments often come from elites - either aid agencies or governments - and say something about attitudes to poor people.

In the 1950s and 60s, geopolitical intrigues did not much engage masses in Asia and Africa; it was something for elites to sort out.

Bill de Blasio was swept to the New York mayoralty on the promise of getting Gracie Mansion out from under the thumb of corporate elites.

The male elites that run most countries are exceedingly uncomfortable with the subject of AIDS because it's a sexually transmitted disease.

Well, I don't think most Americans are playing the super-PAC game. I think what you have is elites on both sides playing the super-PAC game.

You go to Europe, and they have their very wealthy elites, and then everybody else is, you know, a couple of steps above a peasant, basically.

In a typically contradictory move, globalisation, while promoting economic integration among elites, has exacerbated sectarianism everywhere else.

The American polity is infected with a serious imbalance of power between elites and masses, a power which is the principal threat to our democracy.

What is interesting is that, although it is framed as a war between the elites and Main Street, the Tea Party is actually really good for the elites.

Our secular culture is adrift in a sea of relativism, escapism, and self-indulgent inanities, with our media and entertainment elites leading the parade.

Even academic elites are drawn to the figure of the murderer, which has long been a focus of attention for psychiatrists, sociologists, and criminologists.

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