Life is an empty dream.

Emptiness will always cripple me.

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form

After 48 years, I have said nothing.

Pain is always preferable to numbness.

Prayer begins at the edge of emptiness.

The inner emptiness is the door to God.

Humans can't tolerate emptiness for long.

We become aware of the void as we fill it.

The usefulness of the cup is its emptiness.

Confidence without skill is just emptiness.

To fake it is to stand guard over emptiness.

Nothing has an unlikely quality. It is heavy.

Every sin is an attempt to fly from emptiness.

An apex is always surrounded only by emptiness

Loneliness is emptiness, but happiness is you.

From True Emptiness The Wondrous Being Appears

The beginning of love is a horror of emptiness.

The usefulness of the pot lies in its emptiness.

The usefulness of a pot comes from its emptiness.

How do you get so empty? Who takes it out of you?

All silence is. All emptiness. And now: The dawn.

Self-emptiness prepares us for spiritual fullness.

Often to understand, we have to look into emptiness.

Illusion is needed to disguise the emptiness within.

It's only through form that we can realize emptiness

There's hidden sweetness in the stomach's emptiness.

Don't wait to find solid ground. Dance in emptiness.

It is because of its emptiness that the cup is useful.

Attain utmost emptiness. Abide in steadfast stillness.

I been through living for years. I just ain't dead yet.

The loss of my father left a great emptiness in my heart.

Emptiness is a symptom that you are not living creatively.

A great deal of learning can be packed into an empty head.

To praise is to praise how one surrenders to the emptiness.

Nothingness not being nothing, nothingness being emptiness.

London is an endless skirmish between angles and emptiness.

Television has been the single greatest shaper of emptiness.

And voices singing out of empty cisterns and exhausted wells.

The courts of kings are full of people, but empty of friends.

Loneliness is inner emptiness. Solitude is inner fulfillment.

Until the bitter end, the emptiness inside her was hers alone.

Emptiness has its solace in that there's nothing left to take.

She was tired, with that tiredness that only emptiness brings.

She’s never where she is,' I said. 'She’s only inside her head.

So consumed in all your doom, trying hard to fill the emptiness.

How loud clocks can tick when a room is empty, and one is alone!

There is a terrible emptiness in me, an indifference that hurts.

Emptiness is bound to bloom, like hundreds of grasses blossoming.

When you attain to an egoless emptiness great creativity happens.

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