Like your job. Love your wife.

You can escape into a character.

I'm a mog: half man, half dog. I'm my own best friend!

The loss of my father left a great emptiness in my heart.

Sure, I'm sensitive about my weight. I don't do fat jokes.

I don't watch my movies. I just get too critical of myself.

Six bucks and my right nut says we're not landing in Chicago.

If you're not happy without it, you'll never be happy with it.

I was a confused young man. I didn't know what I wanted to be.

I did the 'Tonight Show' once, and I choked up. I get intimidated.

I think NBC bought SCTV because it was developing a nice cult feel.

I probably took on the father role, as children will. I know I did.

Who wants an orange whip? Orange whip? Orange whip? Three orange whips.

I don't dream about the perfect script, though I check my mailbox every morning.

Wherever you go in the world, you just have to say you're Canadian and people laugh

I'm the one who has to look in the mirror, and after a while it begins to eat at you.

I think I may have become an actor to hide from myself. You can escape into a character.

You know, the finest line a man will walk is between success at work and success at home.

As long as you can savor the humorous aspect of misery and misfortune, you can overcome anything.

I thought to myself, Join the army. It's free. So I figured while I'm here I'll lose a few pounds.

I thought to myself, "Join the army!" It's free. So I figured while I'm here I'll lose a few pounds.

I would come home and re-create every movie. Our backyard became a battleship, a war zone, a western town.

You don't pay an actor to act. An actor will do that for free because we love to act. You pay an actor to wait.

I know what I have to do if I want to lose weight and stay healthy: eat a proper diet and exercise. All I've got to do is apply it.

My first movie role was a supporting performance in a Canadian film called 'Final Lady.' It was a great opportunity for me at the time.

I was the sixteen-year-old driving everyone to bingo and shopping. It was quite a responsibility. It made me the man in charge of a lot of things.

My big break down here was working with Steven Spielberg in '1941.' It was a very small role, as Corporal Foley, who was part of the tank crew with Dan Aykroyd.

Our audience for SCTV was older than today's moviegoers, and with the cost of making movies being what it is today, it's hard for the studios to take the kind of risks we took.

My salary for 'Splash' was $350,000. I got about $800,000 for 'Summer Rental.' So, yes, I thought, 'Well, here's a chance to get some furniture for the house and some clothes for the kids.'

Your intention going in is to do the best you can. You go in and do your work, day to day, the best you can. But it's entirely up to the director and the editor and the producers and the studio how it turns out.

Hey, I stopped smoking cigarettes. Isn't that something? I'm on to cigars now. I'm on to a five-year plan. I eliminated cigarettes, then I go to cigars, then I go to pipes, then I go to chewing tobacco, then I'm on to that nicotine gum

You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I'm an easy target. Yeah, you're right. I talk too much. I also listen too much. I could be a cold-hearted cynic like you, but I don't like to hurt people's feelings. Well, you think what you want about me. I'm not changing. I like me. My wife likes me. My customers like me. 'Cause I'm the real article. What you see is what you get.

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