Ethiopia is such a great country, beautiful place.

The State of Israel failed in absorbing the Jews from Ethiopia.

When I run in Ethiopia, I look out and see eucalyptus trees and rivers.

I wrote my first book without being to Ethiopia since I was two years old.

I'm the first from Ethiopia getting 1500-meter world record; that is amazing.

Eritrea is hellbent on destabilising Ethiopia. It does not care who it sleeps with.

It was a dream of Bob Marley and it is a dream of the family to bury him in Ethiopia.

In Ethiopia, democracy is in its infancy and it must be nurtured along by its leaders.

Ethiopia is an island of stability within the Horn of Africa, which is a troubled region.

It has always been the wish of Bob Marley to return to Ethiopia and become a Rastafarian.

I used to live in Ethiopia as a child, and I lived there when Haile Selassie was the emperor.

Ethiopia shall once more arise from the ashes of material ruin to the heights of temporal glory.

I had always believed that standing with Ethiopia's most vulnerable was simply the right thing to do.

I feel a social responsibility. We need to open people's eyes. There is a lack of education in Ethiopia.

I spent time living in Ethiopia, learning about the cultural importance of coffee and its roots in Ethiopia.

I couldn't be more American if I tried. I was born in Ethiopia, but I was raised and educated as an American.

I spent about a year traveling overland from Egypt through Sudan and Ethiopia, and eventually into East Africa.

U2 was involved in Live Aid, and I ended up going to Ethiopia and working there for some time with my wife, Ali.

In Ethiopia, the problem is that you don't know who's who. You don't know who to trust. You don't have any freedom.

Along the borders to Ethiopia and Somalia, anarchy reigns, the police and military have retreated quite some distance.

I am not worried that the Egyptians will suddenly invade Ethiopia. Nobody who has tried that has lived to tell the story.

I'm away about six months of the year, competing here in the U.K. or in training camps in Arizona, Ethiopia, the Pyrenees.

The Ministry of Health started by restructuring Ethiopia's previously male-dominated health system with women at the center.

Angie visited Ethiopia and it changed her life. It's hard for her to go home to a very expensive restaurant and order freely.

People don't ever have to starve to death; there are solutions. We have failed if we can't eradicate hunger in Africa and Ethiopia.

I'm Christian. Growing up in Ethiopia, it's half-Christian and half-Muslim. You grow up with Muslim kids. I'm very much aware of their religion.

From 1971 to 1993, my family lived in a number of African countries, including Malawi, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Nigeria, as well as Uganda itself.

We see a new Ethiopia, a new Africa, stretching her hands of influence throughout the world, teaching man the way of life and peace, The Way to God.

My father is a teacher; my mother was a telecom employee. I come from Palermo; I was raised in Ethiopia. I am homosexual. I didn't go to film school.

I had a very peripatetic childhood, so I bounced around. Lived in Ethiopia until I was, like, three or four and then lived between Ireland and London.

I grew up in Somalia, in Saudi Arabia, in Ethiopia, and in Kenya. I came to Europe in 1992, when I was 22, and became a member of Parliament in Holland.

Trevor Murdoch is mad, bad and dangerous. He's the only man I know that can strap a bucket of fried chicken on his back and ride a motor scooter across Ethiopia.

You know the marathon in my country is just exceptional. It's like soccer in England. If England win the world cup and Ethiopia win the marathon - it's the same.

As Ethiopia goes, so goes the whole Horn of Africa - a region where instability can have major security and humanitarian implications for the United States and Europe.

Next door to Ethiopia spreading out along the strategic Red Sea coastline is Eritrea, a relatively new country, and a place that few Americans seem to fully understand.

Born in 1910, Wilfrid Thesiger spent his childhood in Ethiopia, or Abyssinia, as it was then called, where his father was an important and much-admired British official.

In Ethiopia, the black people became Christians 1700 years ago, hundreds of years before Northern Europe turned to Christianity... And here, most of the saints are black.

The nearest approach I have ever seen to the symmetry of ancient sculpture was among the Arab tribes of Ethiopia. Our Saxon race can supply the athlete, but not the Apollo.

I don't have memories of Ethiopia as a child. I didn't learn about Ethiopian culture until after I moved to New York and started meeting people from the Ethiopian community.

Although native Africans domesticated some plants in the Sahel and in Ethiopia and in tropical West Africa, they acquired valuable domestic animals only later, from the north.

I lived with a coffee farmer called Dukale on a trip I made with World Vision to Ethiopia, and realised there's no good reason for the disparity in opportunity around the world.

If you know anything about Ethiopia, they are very security conscious, a very closed environment. It's a repressive place were journalists and bloggers are arrested all the time.

As many as half of Ethiopia's girls become wives before becoming adults. But Ethiopia is also a place where lasting solutions to child marriage are starting to make a difference.

I'm a mom. I'm from Ethiopia. I gave birth in the U.S. and had all the proper care available to me. If I had given birth in Ethiopia - I don't know if I might have even survived it.

Nineteen-seventy-nine had been a year of American setbacks around the globe. Before the year began, Cuban troops were already roaming Angola, and a pro-Communist regime ruled Ethiopia.

I'm always very careful to say I'm Irish-Ethiopian because I feel Ethiopian and I look Ethiopian and I am Ethiopian. But there are 81 languages in Ethiopia, and I don't know any of them.

In the past, I've visited remote places - North Korea, Ethiopia, Easter Island - partly as a way to visit remote states of mind: remote parts of myself that I wouldn't ordinarily explore.

I actually started modeling in Ethiopia, because that's where I grew up, and I started out by just doing little fashion shows for school, and I liked it so much that I started pursuing it.

My son, who is five, was adopted from Ethiopia. My daughter was adopted from Guatemala. Her parents died of typhoid and malaria. We got her from an orphanage. They are the lights of my life.

Ethiopia is engraved on my heart. I first went in 1973 because I heard of a terrible famine. They were denying it even as we got the film out. The coverage destroyed the emperor's credibility.

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