When you're pretending to be something you're not, at least for me, you end up falling on your face.

If you'd ever told me that my Broadway debut would be playing Spider-Man, I would have laughed in your face.

You don't face Nolan Ryan without your rest. He's the only guy I go against that makes me go to bed before midnight.

It is troublesome sometimes when people get up in your face in public, you know? And say, 'How could you, how dare you?' Well, they don't know me.

Hyderabad can be harsh to a foodie like me. The haleems and the biryanis are in your face. It's hard to overcome temptations and harder not to binge.

On 'Glee,' the director can be like, 'Hey, your face is looking a little too intense here.' And they can show me the screen, and I can be like, 'I know exactly what to do here.'

My Aunt Sheila was terrifying! She would put a napkin in her mouth and say, 'You've got something on your face, dear. Let me just scratch that off your face. Let me sand your cheek.'

I could be ordering ham at the deli, and someone will turn around and look at me and kind of stare. They'll just look at me like, 'I know I know your voice, and I know I know your face.'

When it comes to something like Brexit, I am part of the liberal-media London bubble, and so, to me, voting to leave was madness. My perspective was that it was cutting off your nose to spite your face.

It's embarrassing to tell you how much my friends make fun of me. Seriously, when you have a doll made of your face, it's ridiculous how creative your friends can get... pictures, videos, little animated cartoons that they've made.

For me, iPad 2 and tablets in general are really exciting from a front-facing camera perspective, making those short video clips where you're talking about where you are or what you're interested in, and your face fills up the entire screen.

If you take a song like 'We Will, We Will Rock You,' 'You got blood on your face... ' - he's rhyming on that! And if you take the lyrics out of that song, you get a hip-hop beat. It's a rock song, though. So it's not out of my element for me to get with Black Lips.

Listen, if you were with me on a plane? I'm embarrassed for the people who sit next to me. I have such a regimen! I, like, pound on the face cream because your face will dry out, I get the stuff you put in your nose so no nose germs come in, I take elderberry for immunity, I wear a scarf.

I have a deep, scratchy voice. Boys would call me Froggy, and my father would often tell me to shut my 'big bazoo.' I remember standing in line for confession. After I walked out, the other kids were like, 'You punched your sister in the face?' Because of my voice, my confession was like speaking into a loudspeaker.

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