People have faith in me because of my track record.

I'm incredibly humbled the people of Carleton have very generously put their faith in me.

That's a win for me, for people to be able to say, 'Faith, fatherhood, monogamy exists in hip-hop.'

A lot of people devote their lives to me and what I do. It means the most to be able to repay that faith.

Salman Khan is loved by a million people and if he has put his faith on me so, I don't want to disappoint him.

For me, faith is more about aspiration than complacency - the smug satisfaction that other people find distasteful.

Religion is capable of driving people to such dangerous folly that faith seems to me to qualify as a kind of mental illness.

I'm always having a crisis of faith, with everything. People who are certain are terrifying to me. That's how religious wars get started.

I'd say most definitely with my faith, there's no room for me with it. It's always about other people. It's always about loving on other people and giving praise where praise is due.

Many people told me not to call the book '... Refugee' because Aussies won't buy it. I told them I have faith in Aussies, and it makes me a proud Aussie to see that the title hasn't hurt the book.

My parents never forced things on my brother and me: not our faith, not our sports, not our friends. Yet they taught us about surrounding ourselves with the right people: the kind of people we want to be.

For me, I was able to make that statement of faith early on when my career began, so there weren't really a lot of surprises. People around me knew where my husband Ray and I stood as far as my faith went.

I only had two scholarship offers with Tennessee State being one of them. That put a lot on my shoulders - not having the same opportunities as some other guys I knew - and it didn't feel like many people had much faith in me as a basketball player.

My faith was undermined by the same sort of things that make people skeptics of religion in general. Part of it was, there was no real place for me in Judaism. Maybe if there was I would've hung in there, but I was attracted to the social-justice aspects of Judaism, and I was attracted to the prophets.

I have a lot of faith in President Obama. The thing that seems to be true of him is that he doesn't speak when you would expect him to speak. He's very measured in his response to things. He likes to get all the facts first before he shoots his mouth off. It makes me crazy; it makes a lot of people crazy.

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