Night falls fast. Today is the past.

You can fall ill with just a memory.

Things seem to fall apart inevitably.

Sarcasm will make your tits fall off.

The dice of Zeus always fall luckily.

I can't help who I fall in love with.

How noiseless falls the foot of time!

Communism didn't fall. It was pushed.

Entropy increases. Things fall apart.

I wish food was falling from the sky.

Fall was slipping quietly into winter

I just get up again when I fall down.

I will always catch you when you fall

Whatever you do....don't fall asleep.

As a dream comes true, it falls flat.

Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall

You fall in love with people's minds.

The months fall to shards at my feet.

It's not a bad Thing to fall in Love.

Energy falls just short of being joy.

Do not fall in love, but rise in love

Falling is one of the ways of moving.

The bomb lives only as it is falling.

Well, I like the rain before it falls.

When you fall down, just get up again.

I love it when celebrities fall apart.

Wave it high, and don't trip and fall.

When the curtain falls no one is ready

In times of war, the law falls silent.

Fall mountains, just don't fall on me.

Night falls fast. Today is in the past.

Everybody laughs when fatty falls down.

I'll keep going till my face falls off.

Men who like women rarely fall in love.

If you disaggregate, things fall apart.

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?

The tree falls not at the first stroke.

You fall for who the chemistry is with.

The walking of Man is falling forwards.

Fain would I climb, yet fear I to fall.

When you fall in love, you become weak.

You can never fall in love with a team.

When I fall in love, it will be forever.

Carve every word before you let it fall.

The same niggas I ball with, I fall with

On dreary night let lusty sunshine fall.

Things have a way of falling into place.

Regimes may fall and fail, but I do not.

something is always falling apart in me.

A man that is down doesn't fear to fall.

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