Cruelty is one fashion statement we can all do without.

I wear heels, and it's not for a fashion statement - it's ammunition.

I sometimes feel that a pattern is almost a fashion statement in itself.

A watch is a fashion statement, and it says something about the person wearing it.

Fashion is about owning whatever you're wearing, regardless of if it's a high fashion statement or not.

Rock n' roll is not just a fashion statement; it is the attitude, and it has a political posturing as well.

That cowboy look - the hat and the bandana - that's not a fashion statement. That clothing is purely practical.

People think I'm trying to make a fashion statement because I never wear a bra. It's really that I'm a tomboy at heart.

My fashion statement depends on my mood. I am more of a tomboy when dressing up, and I have never worn pink in my entire life.

I am a fashion graduate, and I try to make a fashion statement which defines my individuality, as clothes are not just what you wear, but they also communicate.

My go-to is a red lip. It's a timeless fashion statement, and I've loved doing it ever since I was little. My favorite classic red is CoverGirl Lip Perfection in #305 Hot.

I see there is a lot of behaviour in men's fashion, which is systematic. It's a lot about all these kind of clothes that can be easily combined with each other, and it's less and less, I think, about making a fashion statement.

I don't believe - till something radical changes that we are not on track to do - that hybrids are material to climate change. They're fashionable, everybody loves them, the Prius is selling well, but so are Gucci bags. But they don't impact the way the world carries stuff. You know it's a fashion statement.

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