If I could always read, I should never feel the want of company.

Performing was always my thing, so when I act with another co-actor, perhaps that is why I never feel intimidated.

As an artist, you're always going to be yearning and wanting and never satisfied. I never feel like I've really achieved something.

Performing didn't feel comfortable until I was about 17. I loved to sing, but I always said I would never perform because I was too scared.

I had always known that I was Jewish - we celebrated the holidays, we went to a synagogue - but I had never known that I was supposed to feel ashamed about it.

I've always been a late bloomer, so I never feel like, 'Oh, I'm gettin' older; I guess everything is gonna stop.' I'm the opposite: 'Oh, I'm just getting started.'

You never reach a point where you feel completely 'ready' - there's always more you can do. But I think every team and driver is going to be feeling uncertain going into the pre-season.

Here's probably a short answer - I never feel in this piece that I'm stepping out and being Andrea Martin. I always feel like I'm Golde, so whatever Golde would do within those realms, that's what I would do.

Actors who perhaps are super-confident and have absolute belief in themselves I always admire, because I can't really be like that. Because you never know what's right: what you feel inside versus what is portrayed.

I want to get out there and do anything, but I still don't know about riding roller coasters. I've never been on one. There is something about being strapped in and on a track; I always feel like we're going to be launched off somewhere.

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