First fight. Then fiddle.

My dad played fiddle as well.

You fiddle lucker!' she cried.

I also play fiddle, banjo and mandolin.

There's no way I'm going to be second fiddle.

My mother and dad played the fiddle and the guitar.

I couldn't hit an elephant's ass with a bull fiddle.

It seems like everyone's listening to fiddles and banjos.

And the merry love the fiddle, and the merry love to dance.

Flying was as necessary to my business as fiddles and footlights.

I've been hearing fiddle music since I was in the womb, I'm sure.

Friends are like fiddle strings; they must not be screwed too tight.

Once you break a habit into its components, you can fiddle with the gears.

I don't fiddle or edit or change while I'm going through that first draft.

I have just one fiddle. It works, and that's it. It has been an old friend.

The room where I am lodging is stupendous. Thank God I am as fit as a fiddle.

If I pick up a fiddle, I don't compose on it, so much as I just play whatever.

In the house of a Fidler, all fiddle. [In the house of the fiddler all fiddle.]

I am not going to fiddle taxes. I pay my accountant a fortune to look after me.

The devil, that old stager, who leads downward, perhaps, but fiddles all the way!

I still play the fiddle every day. I'm afraid if I don't, it won't know who I am.

Its impossible to go onto the Tardis set and not play with things and fiddle with dials.

I keep a fiddle hooked up in the music - we've got a music room - and try to pick it up.

And I also think it's a violin when you're selling it and a fiddle when you're buying it.

I wasn't getting any work as a songwriter in Texas because I was only known as a fiddle player.

It's nice knowing we're putting the banjo, the fiddle, the steel, and the mandolin back out front.

I have never tried to fiddle my role as leader of the city of Sheffield, as an MP or as a minister.

The tendency of experts is to fiddle around with their expertise rather than trying to find new solutions.

Well, I had a fiddle that I really can't play, so I loaned it to Darrell. But yeah, he's from another planet.

I stay up nights and fiddle with my opera designs. It's a bit obsessive. That's why I can't do it all the time.

When I really want to be soothed and reminded of why people bother to fiddle with sentences, I often read poetry.

My focus on the budget, though, has played second fiddle to what I believe is even more important - creating jobs.

In my brief, home affairs, we have witnessed ministers issue countless dodgy dossiers, fiddle figures and fudge facts.

My daddy had been a fiddler, and I heard a lot of fiddle music as a child. I had a ukulele and had played along with him.

I'm much more open to being a supporting actor right now. At the age of 60, I'll be second fiddle. Fine. I'm happy to do it.

Yeah, I was a pretty good kid, you know, I was - I was- I was an overachiever and I worked very hard, played a hell of a fiddle.

You've got to be the best at what you can do - be the best at it! And the best has to be the best; you can't just fiddle around and hope.

I got to where I couldn't listen to country radio. Country music is supposed to have steel and fiddle. When I hear country music, it should be country.

Choices had become limited post 'Crook' and I was being offered films that had me play second fiddle. I realized that would take me nowhere, so I waited.

All my momma's people were very musical. My grandpa, who was the Pentecostal minister, he was a great musician. He played the fiddle, he played the piano.

I've known Shawn for several years. And he's just an amazing talent. He's a great writer, a marvelous, marvelous guitar player, and plays really good fiddle.

It was really amazing. I mean, he'd never mentioned that he played in the symphony, like serious violin playing, not fiddle playing. And he just blew us away.

I was much distressed by next door people who had twin babies and played the violin; but one of the twins died, and the other has eaten the fiddle, so all is peace.

There are a lot of players who fiddle around with their towel in your shot or they get up out of their chair to see if a ball's on when you're about to play your shot.

My interest in his new toy, the Theremin, isn't very big. It simply does not fit into my way of playing music. I do not want to fiddle around with my hands in the air.

The failure of the U.S.'s foreign adventures often seems to have its roots in the U.S.'s total ignorance of things on the ground, of the countries that they fiddle with.

I found it really hard for a couple of years to do any writing because all I wanted to do was play the fiddle. From the minute I took it up, I just couldn't put it down.

There's some places where, I don't know if they're fiddle fans, or Natalie fans or if they just love Celtic music, but there's some places where there's just awesome crowds.

When I'd hear something that sounded like I could follow it - most of those big band jazz tunes are blues anyway - I would hum it and play with the fiddle while I was humming.

I have quit chewing tobacco and don't touch any lager beer, and I don't speak to the girls at all. I am getting to be a perfect hermit; my fiddle, my dog, and my gun I almost worship.

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