I have other fish to fry.

To fish in troubled waters.

Fish recognize a bad leader.

The great fish eat the small.

Never leave fish to find fish.

[T]is not all fishing to fish.

My hobby is fishing for girls.

Best fishing in troubled waters.

I'm going to gut you like a fish.

All fish are not caught with flies

You cannot lose what you never had.

I love 'Fishing With John' so much.

I'm bad at fishing for information.

Rock bottom; that's a fishing term.

Who hears the fishes when they cry?

English literature is a flying fish.

I love fishing, any kind of fishing.

Probably fishing is my first passion.

I'd rather go fishing for three years.

Fish and visitors stink in three days.

An excellent angler, and now with God.

I don't know what's on the other side.

Wherever the trout are, it's beautiful.

There is no such thing as too much snow.

Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in.

I only make movies to finance my fishing.

I love muskie fishing in the summer time.

A sly old fish, too cunning for the hook.

Or whipping its rough surface for a trout.

There's no taking trout with dry breeches.

Wherever the fish are, that's where we go.

The best time to go fishing is when you can

We grew up fishing, and we take it seriously.

I belong to the Flatbush Avenue Fishing Club.

Aging is for people who don't know any better.

One of the things I enjoy the most is fishing.

No good fish goes anywhere without a porpoise.

I have laid aside business, and gone a'fishing.

We are standing on a whale fishing for minnows.

NATO isn't going to be concerned about fishing.

The sheen of ocean gleams on the blue fish-plate.

My dad has a few boats, but I'm not into fishing.

Fishing seems to be the favorite form of loafing.

Game fish are too valuable to be caught only once.

I like golf, hiking, camping, boating and fishing.

I love talk and I love fishing. I'm having a ball.

Teach as an old fishing guide takes out a beginner.

I go fishing not to find myself but to lose myself.

The fun of fishing is catching 'em, not killing 'em.

The fish is not so much your quarry as your partner.

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