I don't do flash fiction.

I'm a flash in the pan: a novelty.

My favourite superhero is The Flash!

True love always happens in a flash.

There's not a lot of flash about me.

I don't go for the flash and panache.

I am not flash at all really, never have been.

In the past, NASDAQ has defended flash orders.

Can you imagine Grandmaster Flash on a laptop?

We are all exposed to the flash bulb of death.

I want 'Flash' to reflect the world we live in.

It blows my mind when they call me the O.G. Flash.

I'd rather be a flash than a slowly burning ember.

Goodness is uneventful. It does not flash, it glows.

Too often, campaigns are all flash and no substance.

I loved working on 'The Flash.' I love the team there.

I grew up in the golden age of Flash Gordon and sci-fi.

I read The Flash. I read Green Lantern. I loved Batman.

That's the reality of boxing - it can be over in a flash.

We've enjoyed laying the foundation for 'The Flash' series.

It is the flash which appears, the thunderbolt will follow.

I started watching 'Flash' and 'Supergirl.' I love them both.

Mahesh is a big star, but he doesn't like to flash his money.

What captivated me about 'The Flash' is the human drama in it.

The iPad needs to catch up with Flash before I put a hand on it.

I have a lot of brothers, and three or four of them love 'The Flash'.

Do you think I'm going to be one of those flash-in-the-pan actresses?

We live in an age lit by lightnin'; after the flash, we're blind again.

Ladakh has changed a lot. Flash floods are common, followed by drought.

Human life is as evanescent as the morning dew or a flash of lightning.

Well, I like cars. Just because you have two it doesn't make you flash.

Star Wars' was derivative of 'Buck Rogers' and 'Flash Gordon,' wasn't it?

I want to be around when I'm 60; I don't want to be some flash in the pan.

Flash and HTML have co-existed, and they're going to continue to co-exist.

News flash: A girl's girl doesn't try to shame another girl about her age.

We want to start a 'Flash' band. Everyone can play an instrument and sing.

True enthusiasm is a fine feeling whose flash I admire where-ever I see it.

Genius unrefined resembles a flash of lightning, but wisdom is like the sun.

We'll have 130 million phone devices that have Flash by the end of the year.

I remember when it was just the three Emcees and then Flash put Mr Ness down.

Thought is only a flash between two long nights, but this flash is everything.

I still have flash cards from when I was drawing plays when I was 10 years old.

We are not that flash, me or the missus. In fact, we are quite low-maintenance.

I'm not against Flash, and I love the work that people such as Joshua Davis do.

My daughter is not an object to flash around or a prized item to put on display.

Wealth, if not a mere flash in the pan, compels the wealthy to become wealthier.

Where there is truth, there is also light, but don't confuse light with the flash.

I don't want The Flash to become a vigilante. I don't want him to abuse the power.

On 'Flash,' you've never seen the last of anybody, no matter what happens to them.

The smile was so painfully swift and fleeting that it was like the flash of a knife.

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