Football is a game, and people have to be cunning.

Fantasy football brought a ton more people to the game.

Some people try to find things in this game that don't exist but football is only two things - blocking and tackling.

I think people in China like to see R&F and how we play. I think it's a very important part of football that the fans enjoy coming to the game.

I hear people saying 'the way the game should be played'. Rubbish. That's the worst saying in football. You win the game, then worry about the way it should be played.

I learned that in senior football it's about managing the game. People are playing for contracts and playing for careers, so when you're 1-0 up or 2-0 up, you have to see the game out.

People are passionate about football, and it means a lot to them. I've noticed when people go to a Western Sydney game and we've won 5-0 or something like that, the supporters are happy all week.

I cannot have a concept of football where everything is based on the opposition. We have to dictate the game, we have to be the ones taking the initiative, and we have to entertain the people coming to watch us.

With the Capital One Bowl, the average fan might think whoopty do. But if you are a team member, you win that game and you see how much momentum that gives people going into winter conditioning, recruiting, and spring football.

As a football player, you just deal with injuries. It's all part of the football game. I've dealt with injuries as much as everybody else. People have dealt with worse injuries than I've dealt with. It's all part of the game, all part of getting that tackle.

Even though I feel very privileged to play football, with the things I have experienced within the game, it is not something I would be shouting from the rooftops, to recommend to people's children to be footballers. Because there are a lot of things that happen on a day-to-day basis at club football that I wouldn't wish on anybody.

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