Fortune knocks but once, but misfortune has much more patience.

Fortune knocks but once, but misfortune has much more patience.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in ...

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.

Fortune favours the bold.

Fortune favors the brave.

Fortune befriends the bold.

Fortune, that favors fools.

Bear good fortune modestly.

Manners make often fortunes.

Fortune favors the prepared.

Truth is no road to fortune.

Fortune favors the audacious.

Character is itself a fortune.

Good fortune has side effects.

Fortune sides with he who dares

My pride fell with my fortunes.

Ill fortune seldom comes alone.

Fortune and love favor the brave.

Fortune, not wisdom, rules lives.

Fortune favors the well-prepared.

Fortune sides with him who dares.

Fortune favors the prepared mind.

It's O.K. to accept good fortune.

I still follow Chelsea's fortunes.

I never pay a fortune for clothes.

The truth brings no man a fortune.

A great fortune enslaves its owner.

A great fortune is a great slavery.

I'd pick fortune over fame any day.

Fortune and humor govern the world.

A prince indebted is a fortune made.

Love, like Fortune, favours the bold.

As ability goes, so goes our fortune.

It is we that are blind, not fortune.

And the brave make their own fortune!

Fortune never helps the fainthearted.

Fortune resists half-hearted prayers.

He dances well to whom Fortune pipes.

Behind every fortune there is a crime.

Depend not on fortune, but on conduct.

The prayers of cowards fortune spurns.

The fortune of war is always doubtful.

Behind every fortune, there's a crime.

Misfortune nobly born is good fortune.

Let cheerfulness on happy fortune wait.

Fortune is either with you or it's not.

Fortune cannot aid those who do nothing.

Every happiness is a hostage to fortune.

Lady, with me, with me thy fortune lies.

Diligence is the mother of good fortune.

Learn to bear bravely changes of fortune.

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