I don't fund county roads.

Every film is hard to fund.

Let's vote to fund the wall.

Money is not a fund of knowledge.

We also need a fund that can say 'no'.

As a philanthropist, I fund a lot of NGOs.

I don't want to continue to fund Obamacare.

I only wish I had more time for fund raising.

I only wish I had more time for fund raising.

The Fed is the greatest hedge fund in history.

I hate fund-raising. Haaaaate it. Hate, hate it.

It's rare that a character film is easy to fund.

We can't just live as rentiers off the oil fund.

Managed funds are astonishingly tax-inefficient.

The index fund always gives you the market return.

I involve myself in an organisation called Tear Fund.

All my available funds are completely tied up in cash.

I don't think I can answer questions about the trust fund.

The studios don't finance anymore, they get outside funds.

Trust funds can never be a substitute for a fund of trust.

Nature was here a series of wonders, and a fund of delight.

Right-to-life groups won't fund us because we're Democrats.

I'm the only candidate that will fund time-travel research.

To pay the bills, I've liquidated my children's college fund.

The Social Security disability fund is going belly up in 2016.

I am opposed to the use of public funds for private education.

My mom's made it clear to me that, like, there's no trust fund.

As important as the funds are, the vision is the greatest gift.

I don't go to the federal government and say, 'Fund my program.'

Britain leads the way in fund raising. I am so proud of Britain.

A good financial planner is going to do more than pick your funds.

If you can't invent the future, the next best thing is to fund it.

Alabama is better than to depend on gambling to fund its government.

I don't need a strong EPA. I don't need to fund a lot of money there.

It is time for the general fund to pay the Social Security fund back.

It's sad that the U.S. government doesn't fund risky research anymore.

It's hard to make small investments when you're a billion-dollar fund.

And that's when you learned, your top fund-raiser was a murder suspect.

I feel very strongly we need to do a better job with the rainy day fund.

When you're fundraising for a venture fund, you're supposed to not talk.

I invest in funds myself even though I run my own fund for my daughters.

I've worked since I was 18. I have no trust fund and don't expect anything.

Letting the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund close is not an option.

You're mugging old ladies every bit as much if you pinch their pension fund

I don't want to live with the guilt of messing up someone's retirement fund.

The philosophy to 'buy and hold' is a philosophy that I use to manage funds.

Acumen Fund is my prayer in response to genocide and what happened in Rwanda.

The CSSF and Prosperity Fund are making lives better, both at home and abroad.

Spurs haven't got the funds they need so success has to be achieved gradually.

The average hedge fund manager is going to earn zero per cent in extra return.

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