We shall have our manhood. We shall have it or the earth will be leveled by our attempts to gain it.

We gain no easier advantage than by relentlessly pursuing our goal while others pursue an advantage.

If I make a good product and deliver value to users and to the world, the financial gains will come.

Man’s main concern is not to gain pleasure or to avoid pain but rather to see a meaning in his life.

When your goal is to gain experience, perspective, and knowledge, failure is no longer a possibility

At the end of 2000, most investors were optimistic that a return to quick gains could not be far off.

Like me or don't like me, I'm not going to adjust my behavior, just to gain a few more positive fans.

Life isn't a straightforward climb up the ladder. It can take a few slips to really gain perspective.

Index funds do not trade from security to security and, thus, they tend to avoid capital gains taxes.

There's no bad consequence to loving fully, comma with all your heart. You always gain by giving love.

We want to keep a preferred rate for capital gains - we think it is important to encourage investment.

Life works upon a compensating balance, and the happiness we gain in one direction we lose in another.

It is by seeing, looking and choosing to not turn away that we gain God's heart, that we grow in faith.

The workers have nothing to gain from this war, but they stand to lose everything that is dear to them.

The sale of souls to gain the whole world is completely voluntary and almost unanimous...but not quite.

Happy the man who gains sagacity in youth, but thrice happy he who retains the fervour of youth in age.

Anybody can achieve gains in quality by slowing down production. That is not what we are talking about.

I don't think countries engage with each other looking at immediate gains. It's building a partnership.

In the midst of conflict, there is absolutely nothing that produces gains as dramatically as listening.

That the chance of gain is naturally over-valued, we may learn from the universal success of lotteries.

To gain profit is important, but you must invest to build up assets that you can cash in in the future.

The Japanese put houses in among the trees and allowed nature to gain the ascendancy in any composition.

I worry that we risk losing the hard-won gains that have made America a safer and more prosperous place.

One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity.

Women are, in general, less shallow visually. If their man gains 10, 20 pounds, they don't care as much.

The troops of other states have their reputation to gain, the sons of the Alamo have theirs to maintain.

When laissez-faire creates instability, the move to a freer market can be something less than pure gain.

For every apparent gain, in short, we now observe a balancing danger. This is the world we have created.

To gain customer insights, we must understand that we are prisoners of what we know and what we believe.

When we see the bankruptcy, slavery, and vanity of everything else, we can finally say, ‘To die is gain.’

The important thing about a problem is not its solution, but the strength we gain in finding the solution

The gain of lying is nothing else but not to be trusted of any, nor to be believed when we say the truth.

The Christian has greatly the advantage of the unbeliever, having everything to gain and nothing to lose.

Progress not perfection... you can't be perfect everything... but you can gain progress on a daily basis.

Nobody prefers to earn income any more, because that's taxable. Rich people prefer to make capital gains.

The victory one would gain after a whole life of work and effort is better than one that is gained sooner.

Those whose life is long still strive for gain, and for all mortals all things take second place to money.

If you gain, you gain all; if you lose, you lose nothing. Wager, then, without hesitation, that He exists.

Alas! in nature, as in art, we gain only according to our capacity. You cannot put an ocean in a pint pot.

No one can cross the boundary into another -- for the simple reason that no one can gain access to himself

I live before the audience of One-before others I have nothing to gain, nothing to lose, nothing to prove.

The gains from technology must be channeled to a broader base of the population than has benefited so far.

Sometimes you must lose everything to gain it again, and the regaining is the sweeter for the pain of loss.

To understand another human being you must gain some insight into the conditions which made him what he is.

Prefer punishment to disgraceful gain; for the one is painful but once, but the other for one's whole life.

My opinion, my conviction, gains immensely in strength and sureness the minute a second mind as adopted it.

The grape gains its purple tinge by looking at another grape. [Lat., Uvaque conspecta livorem ducit ab uva.]

It is now common knowledge that the average American gains 7 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day.

A good poem looks life straight in the face, unflinching, sincere, equal to revelation through loss or gain.

We follow the codes not because they bring gain, but because we loathe the people we would otherwise become.

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