I'm not against gay people. I have a relative who is also gay. We can't help it if they were born that way.

People have often asked if I'm gay because I don't go out of my way to spit and scratch and give people attitude.

I personally have always been in favor of people who are gay being permitted to marry legally - and I still feel that way.

Gay people are all like Superman. You have to be quite strong to be gay - or to be different in any way. You build special muscles.

Gay rights is just one of the social issues I'm interested in. I think that people might be less tense about it if we would all accept the fact that not everyone is wired the same way.

When I was running for speaker, people would go out of their way to point out why I wasn't going to win: 'You're a woman, you're too liberal, you're gay, you're from the West Side of Manhattan,' which in that context was an insult.

I think we're realizing that gay people are able to do the type of comedy that we just assumed was for straight people over the years. Whatever old boundaries there were, which were very real and still have an effect on us, in the way we socialize, I think that's slowly becoming less important.

The ability for employment benefits to be shared among spouses, the ability to move people who are dependent on visas for trailing spouses, all hinges on being able to deal with families of gay people in the same way that you deal with families of straight people. Otherwise, they can't move around.

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