My demon's a girl? Gideon said, astonished.

There's nothing like a little Gideon therapy to make things look up.

You have a transportation fetish. I have a Gideon fetish. It's been weeks.

If I owned Gideon, he possessed me. I couldn’t imagine belonging to anyone else.

Why do they put the Gideon Bibles only in the bedrooms, where it's usually too late...?

Conrad Hilton was very generous in the divorce settlement. He gave me 5,000 Gideon Bibles.

Most suits made the man. Gideon did things to a three-piece suit that should've been illegal.

Eva: it's going to be a lot of work.,Gideon Gideon: im not afraid of work Im only afraid of LOSING YOU

I wish to God,” said Gideon with mild exasperation, “that you’d talk—just once—in prose like other people.

That’s what scares me, Gideon. You don’t know what you’re worth.” “Actually, I do. Twelve bill—” “Shut up.

Gideon woke up ready to conquer the world, and he liked to start that domination with me. How lucky was I?

Gideon knew exactly what I liked. Not because I’d told him, but because he paid attention to everything about me.

There were thousands of women in New York alone who could replace me in his life, but there was only one Gideon Cross.

A very magnanimous statement, Gideon,” said Magnus. “I’m Gabriel.” Magnus waved a hand. “All Lightwoods look the same to me.

Gideon touched her cheek, lightly, with the tips of his fingers. “Did you know your name means ‘wisdom’? It was very well-given.

Ethan Wyeth: I hope you're thirsty." Gideon Wyeth:"Why?" Ethan: "Cause your dumb and ugly, but I can do something about thirsty.

Gideon Lightwood said he was at the Institute in Madrid. What on earth was he doing there?' 'Faffing about, most likely', said Will.

By the Angel, this place is barely better than a penny gaff,” Gideon said. “Gabriel, don’t look at anything unless I tell you it’s all right.

B.O.B. and I have a longtime understanding - when we're done with each other, we know exactly which one of us has been used, and it isn't me. Good night Gideon.

I'm afraid I'll lose myself in you, Gideon. I'm scared I'll lose the part of me I worked so hard to get back." "I'd never let that happen." he promised fiercely. Chapter 8, pg 140

Eva: Do you understand how much time and work a relationship between us is going to take? Gideon Gideon: but you're worth it and i want you bad enough, so i guess i dont have a choice dont I?

It's going to be a lot of work, Gideon," Eva warned him. "I'm not afraid of work." He was touching me restlessly as if it were as necessary to him as breathing. "I'm only afraid of losing you.

See, my idea of cute comes with an IQ requirement. It's geeky cute. It's Rivers Cuomo, not Justin Timberlake. It's Gideon Yago, not Brian Mcfayden. Jimmy Fallon, yes please! Brad Pitt, no thank you.

Tell me you love me," I pleaded" "Gideon's eyes met mine. "You know I do" "Imagine if I i ever said the words to you. If you never heard them from me" "His chest expanded on a deep breath. "Crossfire

Shaw...has a woman ever asked you to write a poem for her?" "Good God, no," Gideon replied with a snicker. "Shaws don't write poetry. They pay others to write it for them and then take the credit for it.

Hmph," she said. "I'd like to see you learn how to manage sitting and standing up straight in stays and petticoats and a dress with a foot's worth of train!" "So would I," said Gideon from across the room.

At the other end of the spectrum, George Gideon Oliver King Rameses Osborne, the fourteen-year-old novelty Chancellor and future baronet of Ballentaylor and Ballylemon - a man so posh he probably weeps champagne.

She smiled at him, though her hazel-green eyes were wary beneath the brim of a sodden hat. Right at that moment, staring at her across the hall, Gideon Shaw, cynic, hedonist, drunkard, libertine, fell hopelessly in love.

You cannot reduce the situation to worm jokes, Will. This is Gabriel and Gideon’s father we’re discussing.” “We’re not just discussing him; we’re chasing him through an ornamental sculpture garden because he’s turned into a worm.

Gideon was a man who’d lived an entirely solitary life, and yet he’d accepted me into it so completely that he could envision a future I was afraid to imagine. I was so scared I’d only be setting myself up for a heartbreak I couldn’t survive.

I can’t do it, Gideon! I can’t make out the way you kiss me one moment and then act as if you loathed me like poison the next!” Gideon said, after a brief pause, “I’d much rather be kissing you the whole time than loathing you, but you don’t exactly make it easy for me.

And you love Sophie." Gideon's mouth tensed. "She's a mundane and a servant," said Gabriel. "I don't know what you expect to come of it, Gideon." "Nothing," Gideon said roughly. "I expect nothing. But the fact that you believe I should shows that our family brought us up to believe that we should do right only if some reward was the result.

Everything all right, Gwyneth?” asked Gideon, raising one eyebrow. “You look nervous. Would you like a cigarette to calm your nerves? What was your favorite brand, did you say? Marlboros?” I could only stare at him speechlessly. “Leave her alone,” said Xemerius. “Can’t you see she’s unhappy in love, bonehead? All because of you! What are you doing here, anyway?

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