War never takes a wicked man by chance, the good man always.

I always thought that there was a really good chance that I wasn't going to get married.

I always sort of thought, 'I'm probably going to get breast cancer. There's a really good chance.'

It is always a good thing that whoever is getting a chance in the playing XI has been performing well.

Anytime you get a chance to play in front of a big crowd is always good I feel like, for any basketball player.

My cottage is on Lake Huron and it's always nice to have the chance to get away and hear the waves crashing while reading a good book.

I have had it all over the years, being told I'm not good enough. So whenever the chance comes I always try and prove I should be starting.

When you recruit good candidates and you have a good message and you have energy and organization and partnership, you always have a fighting chance.

If you look closely enough, amid the merciless and the bitter, there is always the chance that you may find comfort and the promise of something good.

I've always enjoyed interleague play. It gives you a chance to see different clubs, to go to different places. It gives you a good chance to see where you are, where you stand with other teams.

If I get lucky and I can choose, I would always choose a really good story and screenplay, even if I don't know the director. If there's a good screenplay, there's a chance that something good is going to happen.

I think every part of your game, on this golf course, needs to be good. You've got to hit every club in the bag. You need to drive it well, hit your irons well, and always, if you want to have a chance to win a Major, then you've got to putt it well.

You always want to have good balance. That's the key to winning a Super Bowl. You look at the teams who have won championships, you got to have balance. So, to be able to run the ball effectively and throw the ball effectively is what gives you the chance to win a world championship.

I've always believed that a good twist is one that, when it is presented to the audience, half of them say, 'I saw that coming.' And half of them are completely and totally shocked. Because if you don't have the half that saw it coming, then it wasn't fair: You never gave the audience a chance to guess it.

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