Good things just keep happening.

I did some good things as a rookie.

Good things, you can't rush into them.

Good things, when short, are twice as good.

Good things are often birthed from adversity.

All good things which exist are the fruits of originality.

I cry for a lot of good things that happen. I cry a lot, okay?

Good things come, and I'm not just referring to riding the buses.

If my barrel meets the ball, I think good things are going to happen.

We've got some very good things to do without screwing around with sleeves.

Losing a Super Bowl destroys all the good things that happened to get you there.

I have ended as a Reform Rabbi, grateful to Christianity for so many good things.

If you can hang in games by staying close defensively, then good things can happen.

I come from a background where you don't show off the good things you do. It's modesty.

I have had a lot of good things happen, but I've also had a lot of terrible things happen.

I think I was programmed to do good things when I came into the majors. I knew how to play.

I like to do really good things. But 'good' - witness Charles Dickens - doesn't mean 'not popular.'

I have heard good things about Somerset from Azhar Ali, and I want to play a part in the Club winning matches.

The good things of prosperity are to be wished; but the good things that belong to adversity are to be admired.

I still think that luck is what a lot of the good things come from. It's simply the luck of where you are, when.

If I'm remembered for having done a few good things, and if my presence here has sparked some good energies, that's plenty.

Making every snap, every play, every rep count. I think, once you do that, the good things, the stats, they come along with it.

I'm not one to say many good things about Obamacare, but one of the nice things in it is it does give a tremendous amount of authority to the secretary of HHS.

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