The only thing that gets me back to directing is good scripts.

They tell me I produced songs. I just stood in the back, wore a good suit and said, Yeah, that's happening.

It wouldn't do me much good to back somebody that won in Iowa if they can't carry on the campaign elsewhere.

To me, it doesn't matter who you are or where you're from - if you're a good person and you got my back, I got yours.

If somebody is good to me, I'll reciprocate. What's the harm? If somebody says 'Hello' to me, I won't turn my back on him.

It hurts me not to be able to communicate like I used to. I used to be pretty good at coming back, you know, quick one-liners.

What was good about 'Moonraker' was that we had Jaws back, because after 'The Spy Who Loved Me,' he became a well-loved villain.

And so they pitched the show to me. It sounded like a good idea. We pitched the show back, and got it sold and got it on the air. And that's kicking the tail.

All I can tell them is pick a good one and sock it. I get back to the dugout and they ask me what it was I hit and I tell them I don't know except it looked good.

I was stillborn. The midwives laid me aside, thought I was really gone. I laid there about an hour, and they picked me back up and tried again, 'cause my body was still warm. The Good Lord brought me back.

Andrey Koreshkov is not well-rounded. He's been taken down and mounted and has his back taken by Lyman Good, which tells me he's a terrible grappler. He isn't well rounded. He's a good striker, but that's it.

I started off as a right-winger, but my coaches pushed me further and further back. So much so that I ended up in defence, because I wasn't good with my hands and there was nowhere else to go! So they put me there and that's when I found my position.

I was at La Fenice opera house back in 1991 with friends, and we started talking about a conductor whom none of us liked. Somehow there was an escalation, and we started talking about how to kill him, where to kill him. This struck me as a good idea for a book.

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