If that was good enough for George Washington, it's good enough for me.

When my good friend Jeff Sessions endorsed Donald Trump, that was good enough for me.

It's rare that anybody gets in the Hall of Fame, and to be nominated is good enough for me.

A good script and a good brief from the director is enough to let me know what is expected of me.

I do like the ladies an awful lot. Surprisingly enough, it turns out ladies like me back; I'm a really good guy.

I hated school. After 15, you went off to college if you were good enough. It didn't appeal to me so I left school. I did what everybody did - get a job.

As a manager, if I saw a female on the line for my match, that would not worry me in the slightest. To get to that level, it means they are deemed to be good enough.

I asked, 'What is this guy?' They said, he's part-fish, part-bird, maybe a bit of lizard, and you don't have to go through five hours of makeup to play him. That was good enough for me.

I was a good kid, but I was just very chatty. Teachers were rarely entertained, but occasionally a child was, which was enough for me. Everything was so urgent. I needed to say it immediately.

When I first got to Apple, which was in '84, the Mac was already out, and 'Newsweek' contacted me and asked me what I thought of the Mac. I said, 'Well, the Mac is the first personal computer good enough to be criticized.'

If we get in an accident that's strong enough to break bones, it's going to break bones. What makes me a little bit higher risk is that if I break my right ankle again, I've got a bunch of screws and plates in there, and that would not be good.

I'm not the fastest player, but you can't really play up on me because my handles are good enough where I can get around you. But you can't play off of me, because I can shoot. And if smaller guys try to defend me, I'll back them down. I'm a good post player.

I was very hungry to compete internationally when I was 10 years old, and I was good enough to compete, so that part never made me afraid or worried at all. When I was at my peak, around 12 and 13, I won my junior national and senior national titles back to back.

I badly wanted to play Dr. Aziz but I knew I wasn't going to get it. I didn't go to be interviewed until I finally was forced to by the director I was working with in Calcutta. I thought, they aren't going to give me that part. I didn't want to go there and be told I wasn't good enough, or that I didn't suit the part.

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