I just cash in on the fact that I'm good looking, and I've got a nice figure and girls like me.

You can show me some stick ice cream and I can tell you if it's good or not just looking at it.

A good amount of the guys wanted to date me. Even older guys looking at me. It took some getting used to.

I've been told I'm too good looking for certain roles, but that's okay, it just motivates me to go deeper.

There is a little chubby kid in me just waiting to bust out. I usually go running but am looking for a good gym.

I want my guy to be very good looking. Heads should turns at him when he walks with me. He should be really charming.

I've been lucky: my Japanese genes - from my mother's side - and a lifelong moisturising routine have helped keep me looking good.

I've never gone around looking for roles. It has been my good luck that all the films that I have done, the filmmakers have approached me.

I'm not looking to be a superstar. I just want to be in a room with good people who are similar to me and are at least open to things that I have to say.

Looking good has never been the most important thing to me. Maybe it's because I'm more conventionally, um, acceptable, so it's not an issue for me. I don't know.

I'm good at looking good with weapons and stunts. But if you put a bull's eye in front of me and asked me to hit it, I'd say the chances of me hitting it are about one in a million!

You can tell by looking at me that I've got more miles behind me than I've got in front of me. When you reach that point, if you've got some good years left, you want to make sure that you use them wisely.

That's something that drives me on - wanting to prove people wrong. Because the amount of people who have told me, 'no, you're not good enough.' A lot of people fall at that hurdle. But I just kept getting up and looking for that one person who said yes.

It took me a good decade of hiding in my house and not going outside to even, like, get my arms around this idea of celebrity, where suddenly people are looking for you to pick your nose or get a shot of you kissing some woman. It's a very discombobulating thing.

So initially getting up on stage I was really nervous, I was like, 'wow, I'm going to be standing there and all these people are going to be looking at me?' But funnily enough it wasn't too traumatic. It felt quite natural because I felt I looked good and I knew how to do the poses.

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