I'm not good at entertainment. I don't give myself to all the interviews, game shows, or talk shows.

Error is part of the game. I never, ever second-guessed myself on a call and don't believe good umpires ever should.

The reason I'm in good form is not just down to myself: it's down to the manager and coaching staff improving my game.

I'll know that when I play a good game, a decent game, and I know when I can play a lot better and aggressive, when I can take over a game myself.

It was kind of good to get my feet wet with my first NBA game. I felt comfortable out there, let the game come to me. I played within myself and I thought I did pretty good.

The game was very, very good to me. I felt like I was equally as good to the game the way I played it and the way I respected it and the way I carried myself through the process.

People like myself, who have good credibility in the game and played at the very top level, you'd think would get a job or at least be given an interview, but you're not even getting an interview.

Since a month, two months ago, you know, I've started hitting the ball well. I'm playing some really good tennis. That really helps. I sort of have to motivate myself to get pumped up. It really helps my game a lot.

Every year I tell myself that I'm not going to read any reviews and then I do. We're all human and when I read something negative it hurts. I think when you write it's part of the game, you're going to get some good reviews and some bad reviews and that's how it goes. I don't write for the reviews.

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