Chaos is a good thing.

There is a way to grow old and still have dignity.

Nothing is worse than having your dreams come true.

Theater originated with technology. People forget that.

Theatre comes alive when someone cross-dresses onstage.

Reading fairytales to children expands their imaginations.

The safety prospects in 'Ka' are the highest in the world.

You're only as good as your last movie, period. It's a business.

I've always had a passion for geography. Even at a very young age.

I was brought up by a father and mother who were radically different.

People think that it is negative, but in fact, chaos can be very fertile.

I've always been a little scared of technology, which is why I explore it.

I never went through a gender identity problem, but I did with my sexuality.

I haven't become a satanist, but I am fascinated by the character of the devil.

I never questioned if I was effeminate or not. That didn't matter in the theatre.

The first 'Ring' in Bayreuth was about the poetical world, the mythological world.

Artists always try to make something that is going to be relevant and up-to-the-minute.

It's obvious that any new show comes with its share of blunders, misfires, and bad choices.

In everything I've done, I've always tried to make room for indigenous people, to include them.

A show is good when there is a meeting of time and space, when time and space become irrelevant.

Writing is very much perceived as something distinct from performance. I don't see it like that.

I'm not good at doing show business; I'm a theatre person. I don't reveal anything about my life.

In Las Vegas, you confront yourself with your darkest desires, because they're all possible there.

I'm not good at entertainment. I don't give myself to all the interviews, game shows, or talk shows.

I can't really define myself as a dramatist or as an actor or as someone who is interested in music.

I had been warned by other directors that opera is hell. The singers don't want to do what you want.

Why do we remember stuff from when we were 5 years old but not important facts that are more recent?

Opera needs a major makeover; the large opera houses are too in thrall to their conservative patrons.

If you decide to work with the opera world, chances are there are going to be people who resist that.

I will always demand the right for theatre to talk about anything and anyone. Without exception. None.

For me, theater will always be very, very much alive, but not necessarily in the theatrical tradition.

If Darwin's theories are true, then we have within us the physical memory of when we were fish or apes.

We should never overestimate an audience's culture, but we should never underestimate their intelligence.

Making art in big cities is often frustrating and difficult. It's why artists are drawn to smaller places.

The important thing is not to know where you are going, to be open to accidents. That's what keeps it fun.

Opera is a very stimulating place to work, and I believe it offers the most intense theatrical experience possible.

When we work on a new theatre piece, we improvise a lot. But it's the opposite in opera, where everything is fixed.

I enjoy juggling four or five different projects in the air and finding connections and disconnections between them.

Technology can become a crutch. Sometimes it's there just to hide behind when you're shy of what you're trying to say.

Usually, on Broadway or in Hollywood, you come up with a project, and you have to convince the producers that it's safe.

We have a tendency in Quebec - and I include myself in this - to describe ourselves using the past. We're always nostalgic.

I never thought of my father when I was growing up. Truly. He was a strong, silent man who worked hard to support his family.

I like doing very small, intimate things in the morning and then, in the afternoon, to be working on something in a big stadium.

There's nothing sadder than when things happen the way you've planned them, because we don't have a lot of imagination, you know.

I don't disagree with the critics often, and I'm not destroyed by bad criticism anymore. There comes a point when you go beyond it.

My naivety is to assume people will think there's compassion and solidarity in wanting to play someone even though we are not them.

The thing that's interesting about Trump is that when you read 'Coriolanus,' you'd be tempted to draw parallels. But I don't do that.

A lot of people hated every moment of my 'Ring.' And a lot of people who had never been to an opera bought subscriptions to the next season.

Cirque du Soleil distinguished itself by being a circus with no animals. Before then, circus was partly about showing how man can tame other species.

When I went into the conservatory at 17, then I was able to open up and accept everything about myself and show my feminine side as well as my masculine.

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