Quality attracts quality. People want to be on a good show.

Missourians are a hardworking people. They want good, quality jobs.

Some people might sleep eight hours and wake up exhausted because they're not getting good quality sleep.

People are brainwashed into believing that Italy is the seat of luxury manufacturing. If it's made in Italy, it must be good. That's just hype. Quality is where you bring it.

I try to write 1,000 words. Some people say it's not about the quantity but about the quality. I disagree. You need to write a lot in order to figure out what's good and what's crap.

I'm just into making quality stuff if I can, with interesting people and good scripts. But it's very important that it's about something and that it says something. Otherwise, I don't know what the point is, really.

A lot of artists fail when they try to act, and they flop. So when I get into acting, it's going to be to do it well, something good, something of quality. I want people to say, 'Wow, that movie' - or that show or whatever - 'turned out really well.'

I think that no one, or very few, are born as good presenters. It's a skill that you learn. The key is the 10/20/30 rule: 10 slides given in 20 minutes using no font smaller than 30 points. If people just adhered to this rule, they would double or triple the quality of their presentations.

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