Hatred is gained as much by good works as by evil.

Though language forms the preacher, 'Tis good works make the man.

The confession of evil works is the first beginning of good works.

A backheel is good if it works, not if it disrespects the opponents.

I think I am very mainstream - I'm committed to good works in my life.

It is a common assumption that a person's good works will get them into Heaven.

In dreams the truth is learned that all good works are done in the absence of a caress.

Most of us want to have enough... good works to get into heaven, but enough bad works to be fun.

I don't think of myself as doing good works. It's not, 'Oh, I must give these poor people a voice.'

All good works of art must ask this question: 'You want to breathe free, yes, but do you know how to kiss?'

I'm happy that good works by young artists with limited chances will see the light of day by my purchasing them.

Nobody should be allowed to tinker with democracy. We will not discontinue the good works of the past government.

It was admitted by the early rabbis that the sectarians could be as full of good works as eggs were full of meat.

Naked need is the occasion for God's giving, not a need adorned with the clean, elegant robes of respectability and good works.

If someone doesn't know their Old Testament, they don't know right doctrine, right correction, and they can't be equipped for good works.

The good works of the unsaved may indeed benefit their fellow-creatures; but until life in Christ has been received, they cannot please God.

We don't apologize for who we are. We do what we do as Christians. Our faith isn't hidden. There should never be a separation between God and good works.

In the Old Testament, we are continually told that our good works are not enough, that God has made a provision. This provision is pointed to at every place in the Old Testament.

Passive righteousness tells us that God does not need our good works. Active righteousness tells us that our neighbor does. The aim and direction of good works are horizontal, not vertical.

Be happy in what you do. Be respectful of yourself. Do good works for others, and the goodness will come back to you and make you a better person. I think that's what happiness is all about.

The whole Bible is the story of men and women trying to get back to God, to overcome that sin with sacrifices, good works, sermons, prophesy, witnessing, giving all kinds of things. It never worked.

Three conditions are necessary for Penance: contrition, which is sorrow for sin, together with a purpose of amendment; confession of sins without any omission; and satisfaction by means of good works.

Let it ever be remembered that genuine faith in Christ will ever be productive of good works; for this faith worketh by love, as the apostle says, and love to God always produces obedience to his holy laws.

While the soul is in mortal sin, nothing can profit it; none of its good works merit an eternal reward, since they do not proceed from God as their first principle, and by Him alone is our virtue real virtue.

As I approached my 95th birthday, I was burdened to write a book that addressed the epidemic of 'easy believism.' There is a mindset today that if people believe in God and do good works, they are going to Heaven.

Civil rights icons, famous journalists, big-time movie producers may all have credits to their name that we can recognize and be grateful for, but their record of good works cannot excuse their harassment of women.

Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil... prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon.

My good works, however wretched and imperfect, have been made better and perfected by Him Who is my Lord: He has rendered them meritorious. As to my evil deeds and my sins, He hid them at once. The eyes of those who saw them, He made even blind; and He has blotted them out of their memory.

Salvation cannot be bought with the currency of obedience; it is purchased by the blood of the Son of God. Thinking that we can trade our good works for salvation is like buying a plane ticket and then supposing we own the airline. Or thinking that after paying rent for our home, we now hold title to the entire planet earth.

We can never make ourselves better by trying... praying more or longer, studying more of the Word, performing good works, etc. Don't get me wrong... it's not bad to do any of these things. In fact, it's good. It's just that doing them in God's power is the only way those things will have any real and lasting effect in our lives.

Everyone finds their own version of Charles Dickens. The child-victim, the irrepressibly ambitious young man, the reporter, the demonic worker, the tireless walker. The radical, the protector of orphans, helper of the needy, man of good works, the republican. The hater and the lover of America. The giver of parties, the magician, the traveler.

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