The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and ...

The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone.

Pretty girls make graves

Every man is grave alone.

My heart is its own grave!

The living grave of crime.

Love is cruel as the grave.

I got this grave yard woman.

Even cities have their graves!

A grave is such a quiet place.

True wit has a grave intention.

Grammar is the grave of letters.

We all grow on somebody's grave.

Build castles, don't dig graves.

[Matrimony] is the grave of love.

I shall be as secret as the grave.

There's no repentance in the grave.

Jealousy is the grave of affection.

The beautiful uncut hair of graves.

And either victory, or else a grave.

Marriage is the grave or tomb of wit.

I'll perform all the way to the grave.

Who's a prince or beggar in the grave?

The grave has a door on its inner side.

Ambition's cradle oftenest is its grave

I have Graves' disease and hyperthyroid.

Someone is digging your grave right now.

[T]he cradle is shallower than the grave.

The temple of silence and reconciliation.

The paths of glory lead but to the grave.

A rut is a grave with the ends kicked out.

The grave Is but the threshold of eternity.

Our lives are but our marches to the grave.

A rut is a grave with the ends knocked out.

Never the grave gives back what it has won!

Peace is a certificate you get in the grave.

I'll only stop singing when I'm in my grave.

The grave will fall in upon him who digs it.

The English peace is the peace of the grave.

The grave is sooner cloy'd than men's desire.

There is plenty of time to sleep in the grave

I take this continent with me into the grave.

How much of love lies buried in dusty graves!

I think we go to our graves being a bit weird.

To say what you feel is to dig your own grave.

You can run from the grave, but you can't hide.

I hate this place. I shall hate it to my grave.

If Roosevelt were alive he'd turn in his grave.

I literally want to work until I'm in the grave.

Mine first --mine last-- mine even in the grave!

Without water the desert is nothing but a grave.

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