You always dream to have a great World Cup.

Playing the DP World Tour Championship at the Earth Course is always a great week.

The Bachelor' has always been a great show that embraces what's happening in the world and embraces pop culture.

I always admired Dana White as a great businessman that always believed in MMA and helped our sport to grow around the world.

The film world is always looking for great source material, and Broadway has traditionally and historically been a place to go.

I've always felt very blessed and lucky in the world, and I have great compassion for people who struggle to get through the day.

Maldini was a key figure in world football. I have always had great admiration for him as a player and as a human being. I faced him in many derbies - he was tough but always very loyal.

Since the 1970s, I've been a big fan of attending conferences as a great way to learn, network, socialize and enjoy a new environment. It's always refreshing to get out and see a whole new world.

The 1984 European Championships were held in France and that was something important. I felt on form then, even though I was practically always injured at all the World Cups. It's a great memory. But in any case, the past is past.

Our job is to be performers and give everybody a great night where they can forget about their problems and the world's problems, because they're always going to be there. They were there since the beginning, and they're going to be there until the end.

I was always admiring people who seemed to conduct themselves with ease in the world. Maybe that's a great gift to give your kids if you can do that. Because they can move through the world without neurosis, this anxiety about everything, which our own parents gave us.

There's so much anxiety coming from social media with teenagers that we have to give them characters that are real and that are not always happy; and that have bad parents and not great, supportive parents; and that are not going on these journeys to save the world with a bow.

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