The Beatles did treat me as a member of the group. And that was a great honor, you know?

It is a great honor for me to be able to express my sincere gratitude to the Nobel Foundation.

Ring Of Honor was so great to me and so great to many young talents where they really give you the ball.

A great friend and mentor, Simon de Pury, invited me to be auctioneer at Phillips de Pury, which was a great honor.

It's a great honor to me to be named to the Hall of Fame. It's very hard for me to even imagine that I would ever be elected to it.

It's been a great honor for me to be a player for the Detroit Red Wings, to play for an Original Six franchise. I know I'm far from perfect, but I learned a lot.

It is an honor to serve your country, and if Mr. Trump called me to serve this great nation, I would proudly do whatever role he deems my talents are significant for.

I'm not an original member, though I'm sort of an original member. I've been on a lot of records and took them to great heights. For them to make me the sixth Temptation is quite an honor.

The honor I feel today being inducted into the Hall of Fame is beyond what words can describe. My thanks to the Hall of Fame committee, who saw fit to bestow this great honor upon me today.

You know, people want to honor me, and on the one hand I just don't want to be a poster child; but on the other, I want to do something classy and great - something where the residuals will go to the cause.

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