A lot of people say, 'I gotta win my awards.' I just wanna make great movies.

And if people come up and say they like the movies you're in, it's a great compliment.

It's a great feeling to think that I can be a friend to so many people through my movies.

Who doesn't know about Bollywood? After all, we churn out movies in such great quantities every year! People across the globe know Shekhar Kapur.

I definitely think for up and coming filmmakers, people graduating from film school, people that want to do their own movies, horror movies are a great way to go.

The primary goal is to entertain people because... Fortunately, the kind of movies I have been doing have a certain message, they break taboos, and they are socially relevant. So it's a great mix of content and entertainment.

The people who run Hollywood are supposed to be masters at creating drama, suspense, thrills - at putting on a great show. If we knew not only who the winners were but also by how much they won, the Oscar show could actually be the Super Bowl of movies.

Depending on what happens with my directing career, I don't think I'll stop writing, even if I crash and burn in movies and TV. I'll go back to plays. Even if I crash and burn there, I'll write a novel. That's the great thing about writing is that you don't have to wait for people to give you permission to do it.

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