The optimistic side of me hopes that the majority of people look at ...

The optimistic side of me hopes that the majority of people look at what's going on in politics today and in the world, in general, and just say, "We've had enough."

I've had enough publicity for 15 lives.

I'm Sirantha Jax, and I have had enough.

I had enough brain to live a stupid life.

I've had enough of being public property.

I have had enough rest and enough training.

I've had enough of Bhojpuri cinema actually.

They had enough. They wanted to enjoy their life.

I've had enough rejection for multiple lifetimes.

Hoary-headed old Winter, I have had enough of you!

Mass-murderers are simply people who have had ENOUGH.

The nation of Israel has had enough one-time leaders.

Really, I've had enough of fame. Now I just want money.

The country has had enough of the Clintons and the Bushes.

I've had enough rejection for 33 years. I don't need more.

I had had enough pretend. I wanted to be in the real world.

I ought to have more love before I die. I've not had enough.

There was a point in my life where I had enough of football.

There are times when we have had enough even of our Friends.

Really, Mr. Lincoln, I have had enough of this show business.

Just because you’ve had enough doesn’t mean you wanted too much.

My mom told me I never had enough Tonka toys when I was growing up.

I am not a politician. I am just a business guy who has had enough.

The heart is willing, the head is willing but the body's had enough.

We were never a family that had a lot. We had enough, but not a lot.

The best prayer I ever prayed had enough sin to damn the whole world.

I love Chicago, but I didn't think I had enough soul to be a Cubs fan.

I have had enough of an interesting life to not embellish it in any way.

Robert Herring had enough trust in me to think I could carry my own show.

I feel that I've had enough theoretical speculation to last me a lifetime.

Even rats can only be kicked around for so long before they've had enough.

I never felt I had enough personal style to pursue being just a guitarist.

I've had enough boyfriends and enough issues. I'd seen enough train wrecks.

Had enough of my poetry yet? That's why they pay me to fight demons instead.

I've had enough of worrying about everybody else. Now I'm taking care of me.

We called ourselves '2 Too Many' because we only had enough money for one of us.

Whoever is capable of knowing when they have had enough will always be satisfied.

I’ve had enough, this is my prayer, that I’ll die living just as free as my hair.

I had my jazz club and I had enough money. So I didn't have to write for my living.

I’ve just had enough of people misrepresenting me. Get to know me and see who I am.

I was never let go from that company - it was my decision to leave WWE. I had enough.

We already have a sabbatical system. It's called opposition, and I've had enough of it.

I think the minute you're full up and have had enough to eat, then that's time to retire.

Why did John Elway not come back for a shot at a third Super Bowl? He just had had enough.

You have to work across the aisle. Americans have had enough of the gridlock in Washington.

Batman. I like the idea that if I had enough money, time, and vengeance, I could become him.

I love being able to play myself if I fancy, and take myself off as soon as I've had enough.

We've had enough of the generals and movie stars. We want to hear about the ordinary people.

Where I grew up, we had enough to get by, and we had a lot of love. That took me a long way.

If someone said I had enough money and I could take six months off, I would run in an instant.

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