We have problems which will be addressed by Haitians.

It makes every Haitian proud to have such a hospital.

I know the Haitian people because I am the Haitian people.

I grew up surrounded by both Haitian and Japanese culture.

I know the Haitian people - because I am the Haitian people.

I feel a special connection to Haiti and the Haitian people.

Haitians don't like to say they are hungry because we are proud.

Especially for Haitian immigrant parents, being a musician is not a job.

I am the Haitian flag. He who is my enemy is the enemy of the fatherland.

If I'm in the 'hood, I like Chef Creole's Haitian rice and stewed chicken.

I am currently in Haiti to help the Haitian people in their reconstruction.

Since the 1960s, exile for Haitians is a condition that ends only to begin again.

To start with, for example this year, 2004, is the bicentennial of Haitian independence.

The Haitian people are gentle and lovable except for their enormous and unconscious cruelty.

I will work to bring peace to everyone - whatever economic level - as long as you are Haitian.

I'm from Miami, and Diplo is from Fort Lauderdale. We grew up with a lot of Cuban and Haitian friends.

The chief of the tribe is supposed to be the father of all people of the tribe. That is the Haitian way.

I don't really know what feeling Japanese or Haitian or American is supposed to feel like. I just feel like me.

Haiti's economy cannot be built by and benefit just a privileged few. It must be built by and benefit all Haitians.

The invention of the African American, or the Haitian or Jamaican, is a consequence of the transatlantic slave trade.

I came into the music world in 1988 with a song called 'Ooh La La,' that was like a breath of fresh air in Haitian music.

Haitians do not need development programs imposed on them by expatriates. Instead, they need help in developing as self-assured persons.

Actually, I live in FL now. But, I mean, of course I'm very honored to be playing for Japan. But my dad's side is Haitian, so represent.

You know, we do not want the militarization of Haiti. We do not see a Haitian as a protectorate where it relinquishes its own sovereignty.

God gives us humans everything we need to flourish, but he's not the one who's supposed to divvy up the loot. That charge was laid upon us

Haitian diplomacy will be oriented toward the influx of foreign capital, direct investments that create jobs and stimulate economic growth.

My dad was always so strict that I was scared to speak to him. Haitian parents are very, 'This is adults' business; this is kids' business.'

When I came in, Haiti was not governed by Haitians anymore. Probably mostly by NGOs. And that has done what to Haiti? It has weakened our institution.

If you're going to write, then write a novel with a Haitian woman in it and try and describe her accurately. When you can do that, you can write about people.

The structure of apartheid is still rooted in the Haitian society. When you have apartheid, you don't see those behind the walls. That is the reality of Haiti.

The power of Haitian heritage and the strength of the Haitian people is tremendous. And Haiti holds a unique and rich role in the history of African Americans.

My first concern was to take care of my drawing. I did not have any knowledge in arts, especially Haitian arts, apart from the paintings I saw in my father's office.

And in rural communities we've worked alongside, Haitians are doing far more than merely recovering from the earthquake. Many are creating long-term sustainable change.

Haitian rice farmers are quite efficient, but they can't compete with U.S. agribusiness that relies on a huge government subsidy, thanks to Ronald Reagan's free market enthusiasms.

I think it's really important for Haitians living abroad to go back and help with the development and infrastructure, especially because there are so many international people there.

The U.S.' refusal to acknowledge the plight of displaced Haitians and maintaining inhumane practices of neglect, disrespect, and violence amounts to a gross violation of human rights.

Every time there has been an effort by the Haitian people to overcome the misery and poverty that comes from 200 years of bitter attacks, really bitter, the U.S. steps in and blocks it.

Even though Haitian women are considered the 'poto mitan' - the 'central pillars' of the family and their communities - they are often the most underserved members of already poor communities.

The diiference is that in the private sector you work for yourself, and as Prime Minister I work for every single Haitian - inside Haiti and outside - and for all those who love Haiti as well.

It's time for Haitians to have access to health care. It's time to open our borders to the Haitian diaspora, open our markets to the world. It's time to open our country to potential investors.

When you put more than a million kids in school, you take a plane today and go to Haiti, you cannot see the results. You will see the results in 30 years when you see a different type of Haitian.

I've been impressed, over the last 15 years, with how often the somewhat conspiratorial comments of Haitian villagers have been proven to be correct when the historical record is probed carefully.

Growing up was very interesting for me. If you were Haitian, people just automatically assumed that English was a second language. So they had a special class for my brother and I, but we spoke proper English.

Without networks like the Black Immigration Network, organizations like Haitian Women for Haitian Refugees would not get the support and resources and amplification that their voices that they need and deserve.

I had always loved Haitian art, but I stumbled onto Haiti quite by accident. I went there on vacation after finishing a movie called 'The Delta Factor,' and I met lot of painters and fell in love with their folk art.

In our community here in Boston, we have had a tremendous influx of Russian Jews and Haitians. We call these people immigrants. But they come for the same reasons that William Bradford and William Brewster and John Carver came.

Haiti is a proud nation, rich in heritage and spirituality. How they have been able to not only survive but thrive is a testament to how the Haitian people have come together to rebuild, create new families, and care for one another.

The country is too often assumed to be a backward place: The First World has trouble remembering that Haitians were two centuries ahead of us in abolishing slavery and in extending full rights of citizenship to everyone, regardless of race.

I was lucky enough to grow up in a house where we listened to all kinds of music. We listened to Haitian, hip hop, soul, classical jazz, gospel and Cuban music, to name a few. When you have access to that as a child, it just opens up your world.

When I was a child, my parents took my brothers and me to Port-au-Prince during the summer so we could get to know the country of our ancestors. Because Haiti is an island, the beach is everywhere. Haitians are particular, even snobby, about beaches.

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