Do you remember which way I was heading?

It's never too late to start heading in the right direction.

For me, it's important to anticipate where fashion is heading.

We make a lot of detours, but we're always heading for the same destination

I am heading straight in. I have earned my place in heaven. It’s not even close.

If you think about America, it is about getting your backpack on and heading out.

We're principled in the direction we're heading, but we're not going to be stubborn.

It doesn't really matter how fast you're going if you're heading in the wrong direction.

I started in music and that's my forte and that's what I've always done and where I'm heading.

Look carefully at the closest associations in your life, for that is the direction you are heading.

A long headline that really says something is more effective than a brief heading that says nothing.

You can look out of your life like a train & see what you're heading for, but you can't stop the train.

There has been a lot of progress during my lifetime, but I'm afraid it's heading in the wrong direction.

I was heading off to my new world. But I was taking a part of my past, and the future, along with me for the ride.

When there is no place that you have decided to call your own, then no matter where you go, you are always heading home.

I'm serenely convinced that we are heading into what will amount to a time out from technological progress as we know it.

You must always be prepared to place a bet on yourself, on your future, by heading in a direction that others seem to fear.

If you're walking with somebody, you're heading in the same direction, and the spatial dance you're doing is a little more cooperative.

Still, wouldn't you, even if entirely secure in your own sense of direction, be at least curious where others were heading, even as you struck out on your own ?

You don't really want to be always thinking about the future, always thinking about where you're heading for. You've got to think about how you're getting there.

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