From the bottom of my heart, I've always found compliments hard to take. It makes me feel awkward.

The storyline has always been of paramount importance to me. The subject and climax of 'Phillauri' touched my heart.

Peoria has been near and dear in my heart. It's been with me wherever I've been. I always have wanted to give back and touch the city in some way.

I wish to thank all fans who support me, but the others should be ashamed because I am a born winner and always played my heart out for the national team.

That's what I always enjoyed about acting, the real adrenalin rush. My heart - still before I go on stage - crashing out of my chest. That's thrilling to me.

When you are part of a community for 14 years, it inevitably shapes you. I will always have a part of Ferrari beside me; a part of my heart will always be red.

'Glamour's always special to me; they gave me one of my first U.K. covers, and I was so excited when I found out I got a cover for it, so, I always, always have a special place in my heart for 'Glamour.'

I was done with my second major label deal, and I was doing a lot of urban sessions, and I had an acoustic itch. And you know, I picked up a ukulele. I always wanted one. And it just resonated with me. I would wake up with this uke in my hand. For me the ukulele just opened this door in my heart.

For me, the intellect is always the guide but not the goal of the performance. Three things have to be coordinated, and not one must stick out. Not too much intellect because it can become scholastic. Not too much heart because it can become schmaltz. Not too much technique because you become a mechanic.

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