Acting is like a high wire act. Your margin for error is very slim.

I am the poet of the high wire - I never do stunts; I do theatrical performances.

It is treacherous on a high wire to change your focus point and suddenly look down.

I walk on the wire; it's my profession, and there are no two high wire walks alike.

As a high wire walker, I do not allow myself to 'leave the wire' during a performance.

I've been arrested many times for illegal high wire walking and illegal street performing.

I was thrown out of different schools because I was practicing my arts - magic, juggling, and the high wire.

The greatest thing about the call-in show is that you always felt like you were on a high wire without a net.

On the high wire, within months, I'm able to master all the tricks they do in the circus, except I am not satisfied.

If you're one car accident away from poverty, you're on a high wire without a safety net. And that's a challenging proposition.

Death frames the high wire. But I don't see myself as taking risks. I do all of the preparations that a non-death seeker would do.

On a very long and very high wire, I will not hope to not be blown off by high winds. I will have the certitude that such could not happen.

I was born in a world of opera, theatre, films, poetry, art, and therefore, out of the wire, I made a stage. That's why they call me a high wire artist.

My happiest moments are when I'm on my high wire with the Johnny Carsons of the world. I don't have that opportunity if I'm doing other people's scripts.

Constantly risking absurdity and death whenever he performs above the heads of his audience, the poet, like an acrobat, climbs on rhyme to a high wire of his own making.

If I had been born in the circus, my parents would have pushed me on that little high wire at four years old. That's when the body is most limber to learn those acrobatics.

It's very normal - when you're not used to the world of the high wire, it's very normal to be simply terrified. The reason I'm not is because I've done it for so many years.

Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it.

Historically, musicians know what it is like to be outside the norm - walking the high wire without a safety net. Our experience is not so different from those who march to the beat of different drummers.

You're out there on a high wire without a net, and that's the way actors operate. They have to be fearless about how they work and they have to create a life for the audience in 90 minutes and make them believe.

I walked on a high wire at Battersea power station for Comic Relief in 2011. It was the scariest but the most exciting moment. I hated being on it but as soon as I stepped off I was desperate to get back on and do it again!

A novel is a great act of passion and intellect, carpentry and largess. From the very beginning, I wrote to explain my own life to myself, and I invited readers who chose to make the journey with me to join me on the high wire.

I have been performing in the street for more than 50 years: magic for basically 60 years, and the high wire 45 years. The beauty of it is that it's never the same. It's never easy. And yet, part of my art is to make it look easy.

One of the things about politics, when you're actually there, you realize, you're on a high wire and there is no net under you. On any given day, your campaign can implode for something that happens inadvertently or even intentionally.

Acting still rings my bell as much as it did in high school. Plus, I can now indulge my interests as a producer as well. My work is more fun than fun but, best of all, it's still very scary. You are always walking some kind of high wire.

Cooking a piece of fish and cooking it right. Knowing the fish, knowing the properties of the fish. That's a hard thing to do rather than covering it with a lot of sauces and foams or other cooking methods that might be high wire acts and look good on the outside.

If 'ecstasy' means to stand outside ourselves, then what better ambition can there be as we wait in the wings of the Royal Albert Hall: to leave self-obsession behind and take the audience on a journey across the high wire of Beethoven or the flying trapeze of Liszt.

I'm not an artist, and I want to take risks, and when the possibility of failure occurs, it's because the idea is all exciting or interesting as a high wire act, and sometimes you've got to fall off, just by virtue of the fact that you're constantly trying to evolve and do new things.

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