Study men, not historians.

I'm practically a historian.

I'm a historian in my own mind.

The historian amputates reality.

Historian - a broad-gauge gossip.

Memory is a poet, not an historian.

Historian: an unsuccessful novelist.

Women have their uses for historians.

History is the invention of historians.

We are all historians in our small way.

Heart and head are contrary historians.

I'm a historian, and that freaks me out.

Every historian discloses a new horizon.

No historian should be trusted implicitly.

I like to think I'm a recovering historian.

The historian is a prophet looking backward.

History never repeats itself, historians do.

Hindsight is the historian's necessary vice.

From time to time historians need to be shocked.

Churchill was a good writer but a bad historian.

Oh no, I'm not a historian or anything like that.

If historians are not skeptical, they are nothing.

Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up.

Computer scientists are the historians of computing.

History does not have sides, although historians do.

Reason is the historian, but passions are the actors.

I didn't realize the president was such an historian.

History is too important to be left to the historians.

If I hadn't told stories, I would've been a historian.

You are not just a photojournalist, you're a historian.

I don't know if a historian or scholar owns an opinion.

Historians are prophets with their face turned backward.

Study the historian before you begin to study the facts.

A historian is often only a journalist facing backwards.

I ain't no historian but I happen to savvy this incident.

To a historian libraries are food, shelter, and even muse.

We are not merely historians but also and always citizens.

The easiest way of change history is to become a historian.

An Engineer is no match for a Historian with his dander up!

When the exceptional historian comes along, you have a poet.

fiction is not only the historian of life but its apologist.

The historian's one task is to tell the thing as it happened.

I am no historian but have tried to stick tight to the facts.

Well goodness knows, goodness knows what historians will write.

For historians, creative writers provide a kind of pornography.

History does not repeat itself. The historians repeat one another.

I see myself as a recorder of history, sort of a visual historian.

A bad historian is even more dangerous than dead documentary wood.

It was necessary, as a black historian, to have a personal agenda.

Newt Gingrich seldom misses a chance to note that he is a historian.

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